Special Chapter 2: Haunted Mansion pt.3

Start from the beginning

  Ijekiel's shoulders heaved as he panted. "Are you sure, Athanasia? What if the ghost chases us again?" he asked.

  '... Did I hear him right?' Claude thought he was hearing things. Did Roger's son of all people just call his daughter by her name? It was probably fatherly instincts, but for a moment he wanted to teleport himself into an isolated room with the boy to... interrogate him.

  Athanasia laughed nervously and pointed toward the adults. "That probably won't happen. Look! Lily, Felix, father, mother and even Uncle Anastacius are here! I'm sure we'll be safe with them!" She waved at them. "It's been a while since we've last met! You guys look exhausted, especially you Uncle! Have you been carrying someone?"

  "... Uncle?" Felix asked. He glanced at Anastacius who looked rather happy about it. Well, he was a decent guy now so there was no need for the knight to be worried. The main problem was the blond man standing beside the aforementioned uncle. As expected, Claude did not like the concept of his daughter and his tyrant brother being part of the same family.

  Ijekiel's eyes widened. Carefully, he put Athanasia down and made sure that he did not make much physical contact with her since her father was staring intently at him. He bowed slightly. "I'm guessing you people also had a rough time dealing with the ghosts here...," he said with a weak smile.

  Diana pointed at the green stain on Ijekiel's shirt. "What's that on your shirt, Sir Ijekiel?" she asked.

  "Uh..." The silver-haired boy looked at his fiancee from another timeline. He was giving her a signal only she could decipher. Her face showed a tight smile that was filled with dread.

  'How are we going to tell your mother that you vomited all over me?' was his silent question.

  Athanasia gave him a shaky thumbs-up. 'Just... Just lie through your teeth! I don't want them to find out!'

  During the exchange of words through telepathy, both had blank expressions on their faces. Ijekiel finally opened up his mouth and with a calm voice, he said, "A ghost threw up on me."

  "Pardon?" Of course, Diana was confused. What kind of ghost would throw up?

  "A ghost threw up on me. It sounds impossible, but it did happen right in front of us. Right, Athanasia?"

  "Yep! It was a terrible ghost. I'm glad that Ijekiel carried me to safety. Who knows what the ghost would do to its next victim." Athanasia mouthed a 'thank you' to Ijekiel, which he returned with a small grin.

  Claude sighed deeply and rubbed his temples. He really needed some good rest after dealing with the supernatural. "Can we get a move on already? All we need to do right now is to find that damn magician and this man's," he pointed at his brother, "daughter and we'll be leaving this place immediately."

  "Sounds like a plan." Diana grinned and slapped her lover's lower back, also known as his butt. 'Ah. I did that on accident... he does have a nice butt.'

  Lily smiled weakly. 'Diana... at least slap his majesty in a more discreet place.'

  "Attention! Attention everyone!"

  Before they even made their move, they were greatly startled by the booming voice. They looked around, trying to search where the voice was being projected from. Felix was the one who noticed it and told the others to look up.

  There was a modern loudspeaker hanging on the wall. Athanasia had to explain what its function was since they came from a world where modern technology did not exist.

  "I hope that you guys are alright! It would be terrible if any one of you had gotten injured by one of our 'friendly' ghosts."

  Anastacius snorted. "Yeah. Friendly. Whatever you say."

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