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*Y/n P.O.V*
The next day I reached the office for the party. There were some arrangements left so I took part wholeheartedly.

I was in the cabin arranging flowers. I taped the balloons together in order to hang them.

"Argh! Where is this Jungkook! I'm so damn bored" I mumbled.

Jin Oppa and V Oppa were in a meeting so I was all alone in the cabin. Finally, I finished the final touches and looked at the final output.

"Good job Y/n!" I exclaimed.

As I was glancing at the preparations, my back facing the door, I felt someone slipping their hands on my waist... Someone back hugged me!

"What the-" I turned looking at the person.

I quickly pushed his hands away.

"Mister! Behave yourself!" I yelled.

"Babe! Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"Babe? Excuse me! The hell are you talking about!" I was annoyed at this point of time.

"Babe seriously!" He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

I was angered by this person! First of all, he hugged me and called me babe! Really? You got to be kidding...

"Excuse me, Mister! You saved me that day that doesn't mean you can misbehave" I paused and continued "Look you saved me from the swimming pool and I have already thanked you in J-Hope Oppa's house! So please stop messing around with me"

"What's wrong with you huh? Babe look at me!" He forcibly held my shoulders.

I yanked his hands and took a step back. I wish my Oppa's were here because this was getting out of my hand.

"Mister, please... I don't know who you are apart from the fact that you saved me. So maintain some distance!" I pleaded.

He grabbed my wrists, pinning them on the table. His face was inches apart from me! I turned my head sideways...

"Babe! Stop pretending that you don't know me! I'm your Jimin" he said.

Though I felt I have heard that name yet I wasn't sure. This random person turns up and tries to misbehave with me! It was uncomfortable...

I put in all my energy to push him and ran to the table where I had kept the scissors. I grabbed the scissors and pointed towards him.

"Look! Whoever you are don't come near me..." I said in a shaky voice.

"Babe I know I was wrong... I am a big fool! I shouldn't have believed in this bad luck and stuff... Please forgive me, come back to me... These months without you have been the hardest! I felt as if I lost a part of my life! My love! I tried my best to find you but you were gone! Gone without a trace... I didn't believe you were dead! I know my love can never leave me... Babe please, come back... I love you" a tear escaped his eye.

I felt sad for him. Poor thing was mistaking me for someone else. Maybe he was hallucinating.

"I'm not the one you're looking for," I said softly so that he could understand.

"I know my babe! I know my love! Please babe stop punishing me... I know I have wronged you for which I have got my punishment to lose you! I can't lose you again" he said before taking a step towards me.

Enough of being kind! What does he think of himself? This is getting serious "stay away! Don't come near me... I won't hesitate to stab you" I said boldly.

Yet the person daringly walked towards me until we were face to face. "I know my babe can't hurt anybody... Not even an ant" he spoke, staring at my eyes.

Some part of it was true... I didn't like hurting even the tiniest creature.

He pulled me closer, tilting my head towards him. I glanced at his angelic face. His tiny eyes glimmered under the influence of light. His features were soft yet played the trick of capturing any girl's heart.

We glanced at each other for a whole moment. His eyes depicted pain and I tried to reminisce where I had seen those eyes...

He peeked at my eyes and then my lips. He bent and leaned forward to kiss- I turned my head to avoid it. Tears streamed down my face... My body was burning with pain! My heart ached! Why? I had no answer.

"Go away!" I pushed him with all my might.


You guys were excited about Y/n and Jungkook's love story... Sorry, y'all tables have turned! ;)

 Sorry, y'all tables have turned! ;)

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