Flowers 2

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A/N: this request is by Choerrysroach who wanted a part 2 for Flowers we're Dolores finds out what's up with Isa.

Ok so I'm a adult, these characters are adults and this chapter (and in flower 1) talks/references masterb*tion. Please don't read this chapter of your a minor. Like, don't.

Trigger warning: masterb*tion, self harm, suicidal thoughts.


Dolores can hear lots of things. Some of them are good, some bad. Some awkward and uncomfortable. The worst thing she has probably heard was either someone being rape or murder. It happened before. The Encanto her family loves isn't all that pure.

Dolores can recognize sounds; from the slightest breath or a sneeze. While it's her family that she can recognize the most, she can tell who someone is by their steps or breathing. Sometimes her hearing is a blessing, but most times it's annoying.

Like right now.

She was currently walking down the hall, she need to help get ready for tonight's dinner. But she was stop by a sound of breathing. Soft and quick, panting. Dolores cocked her head and held her hand to her ear (that didn't help it just felt right and it showed people that she was listening) she heard the noise coming from Isabela's room.

That's strange.

Moving a bit closer to her cousin's door she place her head to the wood. Thankfully no one was in the hallway to tell her off (apparently people hate it when she's does that, but it help her hear better).

The sound of panting increased (could a normal human hear this from outside Isabela's room? She can't tell. She doesn't think so but wow is Isabela loud), she was about to ask her cousin what she was doing when she stop. Two sounds were heard that made her back away.

1 a low and muffled sound of a moan.

2 the sound of ripping and....Isa growing plants?

Dolores back away from the door, puzzle. She knows that her cousin is.....pleasing herself. (Dolores hates the fact she can recognize the sound of someone self-pleasuring themselves. How many times has she heard that coming from her own family? More times then she wishes, but whenever that happens Dolores would see that person(s) and make direct eye contact with them while slowly eating a leftover healing food...It makes the person(s) squirm and be uncomfortable.)

Dolores continue going back downstairs, while she letting Isabela pleasure herself a small doubt creeps into her brain. Today was the night we're Mariano officially propose to Isabela. The two have been dating for a while, so the fact she can hear her cousin pleasing herself, it makes Dolores sick. She wants to cry, the knowledge of her cousin being so in love with Mariano makes her upset.

As Dolores goes down the stairs she try's to forget what she's hearing. Later she's ask Isabela what that ripping sound and why she was growing plants, just to be in the safe side.


It's later. But god has it been a long day.

Casita fell
Bruno is out of the walls (thank god)
They lost their powers
Abuela and Mirabeal had a heart-to-heart conversation
Abuleta is going to be better to the family
The family is going to be better
Isabela and Mariano aren't together
She and Mariano are together

It's a whole ordeal.

Currently the family is in the church while Casita is going to be fix up. Right now it nighttime, and Dolores needs to pee. After doing her business she leaves to go sleep, as she pass a hallway she stops. Behind a random door that was hidden inside the shadow was a sound.

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