Poly group

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A/N: I love the idea of all the grandkids calling the adults mom or dad. So I made this poly fic, while it can be taken as platonic, there is some sexual stuff here (after all the grandkids need to be born!) but it's going to be 100% platonic between the triplets. I only know about Polyamory trough second-hand info, so this may be off.

Why is Bruno in a skirt in this fic? Simple, im a simp for him and I think skirts and thigh highs are cute. Also pepa is a bit OOC here, I imagine that as a teen or young adult she would be so full of wild batshit energy only to become a nervous wreck as a adult.

If 50 year old Julieta could go back to her younger adult self and told her that she would have 2 husbands and a bunch of kids, she wouldn't believe herself. A hypothetically young Julieta would wonder how that would happen, would beg and ask her older self. Older Julieta would give her younger self a wide tight smile, one that knows a secret but couldn't tell, she would only say one sentence:

"It's started with Bruno is a skirt."
It was a very hot day in Encanto, cause by weather that wasn't created by Pepa. Bruno Madrigal was look for his pants, he and his sisters were going over to Agustin's. But he couldn't find his clothes!

"Mama! Wear are my pants?" He call from the second floor, Alma appear and gave her son a look. "Bruno! Don't yell from upstairs, but to answer your question all your pants and ruana are being washed, you keep getting sand and dirt on them. Also how many times do I tell you not to let you're rats be in your clothes, there messy and dirty." His Mama scold.

"But Jule and Pep wanted me to go over to Agustin!"

"Well, why don't you ask
You're sisters for pants?"


Bruno left and rush to Julieta.

Ever since the triplets were young they would do everything together. Eat, sleep, bath. They would share food, toys, books, and clothes. It was only when they started to hit puberty did they stop bathing together and sharing clothes. Well they stop sharing clothes with Pepa since she grew like a weed, only Julieta and Bruno keep sharing them.

Now Bruno like dressing in his sister clothes. He like the colors, the soft fabrics, the way the outfits move and sway. Don't get him wrong, Bruno is a boy, but he's likes to wear girl clothes, it makes him happy. The only thing though is that he wears them at home.

That is until today.

"Seriously Bruno, it's fine! You look cute." Julieta said, holding Bruno hand, to stop him from fidgeting, since he didn't have his runan, Bruno pick at his skin or ran his hands through his hair. Bath him and Julieta wear wearing matching outfits; skirt, thigh high socks and white shoes. The only difference was that Julieta was wearing a blue shirt while Bruno wore his maroon shirt.

"Hmmmmm. But Julieta everyone keeps staring! Now they think I'm some freak! Or more of a freak than before..."

"But Bruno, I thought you like crossdressing?"

"I do! At home!"

The skirt Bruno was wearing was short, on both Julieta and Bruno, it only went mid-thigh. Compared with the thigh high socks, (Bruno absolutely didn't want to shave) only a inch or so of his thighs were shown. Normally Bruno would think he looks cute, sexy even, if he dare the think that way.

But outside were people stopping and looking, whispering about him. Bruno hates it. Out of the three triplets, Bruno is one that is most talk about, in a negative light, the one that is pick on, beat on. Why should Bruno take what he loves and let that be amo to his bullies?

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