Huntress 2

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A/N: Dragonposeidon wanted a part 2 of the family's reaction of Huntress!Mirabel, so here it is.


It's been a day since Antonio's birthday and when Mirabel told her Mama about her secret; that she is a Huntress and protector of the jungle and it's animals.

Coincidentally her cousin has the ability to speak and to understand animals. Currently the little 5 year old was sitting on her lap, chatting to a snake that was slowly wrapped around her thigh. It was morning and the family were starting breakfast, eating outside since the day was so nice and that it was a celebration for Antonio.

The rest of the family move around the table, setting plates and dishes, drinks and food. One the table was set they sat down. Abuela being the last to sit, also sat down some coatis.

"Family, We are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful" she stop and look at the coatis then to Antonio the back to the animals.

"I told them to warm up your seat!" The boy explained, smiling.

Abuela gives a soft smile then gently shoved the animals off her chair; "Thank you Tonito."

Abuela claps her hands gathering everyone attention, "as you all know we are the Encanto caregivers, we have to protect the villagers. Before we start I have some...questions, Mirabel?"

All eyes snap to her. Mirabel felt herself stiffen, this was new. It felt odd to be stares at by so many people, much less her family. Glancing around the table Mirabel saw her dad give her his iconic strain smile, Luisa's eyes was twitching and she was clenching her fork, Isabela was frowning but small flowers bloom in her hair; purple and yellow hyacinth, and oleander. Her mother just gave her a soft smile and reach over the table and gave her hand a squeeze.

Looking over at the other side of her family: her aunt wasn't storming but a cloud hover above her, waiting. Her uncle gave her a smile and a thumb up, but it look....hollow. Dolores just have a nod, she obviously heard her confession last night. Antonio was just happy chatting to some animals near him, not paying attention, and Camilo look confused, frowning.

"Mirabel...Care to explain last night?" Abuela demand, but it was in a form of a question.

"Umm no?"


Taking a deep breath she look down at Antonio who finished taking to his animals and was now starting at her, clearly confused and bored. She ruffled her cousin hair.

"I tracks animals and protect them. I learn how to use a knife and a bow, how to hunt animals. But after seeing a poachers I decided to protect the jungle and animals. You know, cleaning up trash, grew planting trees, nursing animals back to health.." she trails off. Glancing up at her family she continued, talking about Juan and his family, about her fur cape and skull mask, about the animals she seen and the poachers she stop. Everything, how she felt like without a gift she was useless, how she was self conscious, how helping nature made her feel like she had a purpose. She end up rambling about everything and nothing, her feeling and thoughts on her and the family for the past 10 years.

At the end of her speech tears were in her eyes, she just stuff her face with her breakfast, not wanting to cry.

She felt something press against her. Then more and more things pressed against her, looking up she saw all her family members were hugging her. Storming her hair, touching her, holding her hands. Sound nice words left their moths and tight squeeze was pressed into her arms. Her family were hugging her, comforting her.

The family broke, Luisa cleared her thoat; "I..ummm, I also feel worthless if I can't be of service. If i can't be the strong one who am I? I have to protect and serve the community...I really want a break and to be a normal teen girl, who who loves pink and cute things. But I keep stressing and getting anxious to think about taking a break."

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