Pedro lives AU

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A/N this request was made by SteveLovesBucky who wants a Pedro survivors AU



A scream went out. There on the ground was Alma Madrigal, holding onto her newborn triplets, watching as the man of her dreams, her husband, turning himself in to the conquerors, to sacrifice himself. As Alma watch as one of the men on a horse lift to swing his sword, Alma felt something inside her stir.

Suddenly her candle, her and Pedro's wedding candle, it's flame shot up into the sky, temporarily making the surround area, the river and the men glow.


A wave of magic flew toward the men knocking them, the horses, and Pedro back. The men and horses seem to either vanish after the glowed die down. But that wasn't all that happen, a house and land and mountains seem to form around Alma, the other refugees, the river and Pedro.

The magical house wave hi to Alma. She waved back. Once the group was over the shock they immediately went to the river to check on Pedro. Thankfully one of the members in the group is a doctor. He knees down to check on Pedro.

"I need help moving him! He's alive but badly hurt! Get in inside the house!"

Alma was instantly by Pedro's side, softly crying. He husband is alive. She's alive, he babies are alive. The others are alive, and now they have a magical land and home to protect them from the conquerors and the carnage.

It's a miracle.


"Isn't there SOMETHING you can do?"

"I'm sorry Señora Madrigal, we can't wake him up."

It's been two moths since the raid. Pedro while alive, was in a coma. The survivors have either subconsciously or not been following Alma's lead now. Since Pedro out of commission, Alma had to step up and take care of her-their-community. Slowly houses and buildings were being made and the empty magical land is slowly growing. While a small hospital was already made, it being the first building, Pedro was stay in the now dub Madrigal house. (Alma try to argue that the house it big enough to house all of them. The doctor, one of the eldest in the group, argue back that with three babies and a unconscious man should be constantly surrounded by strangers. Besides the house and land were made by Alma. Or her magic, or whatever it was. It the least that the group can do for the Madrigal family.)

So here Alma is; being a mother of three, taking care of this magical land, being the leader and founder of a now growing community, AND making sure her husband gets out of his coma. It's a lot. Hopefully no new surprises happen.

4 years.

That's how long Pedro been in his coma. Many, many people had told Alma to let go and let Pedro move on. But Alma is a stubborn women, she won't let her husband, her children's father, just die. So while the community grew Alma would take her child upstairs to a empty room and she would sit the children around a chair and will tell stories about their father and her. How they meet, how they fell in love, and how they married. To be honest the couple is still in their honeymoon phase, there quite young and got married fast.

Once thing Alma is grateful for is that the doctor makes weekly visit to check on Pedro. For free to. (You're paying me back by letting me and my family live her Alma. Besides neither you or anyone in the Encanto has money. What's the point?)

Alma let out a sigh, tomorrow is the triplets 5 birthday. A big day. But Alma wishes and pray to God or that Miracle to give her Pedro back. She also wishes
that she can somehow help the community. To see if there danger, to help the doctor and make sure no one is hurt or sick. To help the farmers grew their food.

Random Encanto IdeasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora