Sports girls

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A/N: this request is by Isabela444 who want Mirabel to have amazing sports skills and  being a pro in skateboards and basketball with the family finding out.

The whole outfit Mirabel wear is what I want to wear. The pins are base off the ones I have, and the room is base off my cousin's.

Mirabel skated down the sidewalk, her basketball under one hand, and in the other hand was her backpack. She was drink a milkshake. She and her friends just got done playing a game, they won. Hopefully she and her team could try to be professional and make the Olympic or something so that way they can get popular.

Currently she was wearing her teal skirt, some busted up sneakers that had a hole in the bottom, a blue and red split oversized hoodie, and a white t-shirt of some indie band that Isabela liked. Her hair was in a beanie that had a cat face on it. On her hoodie and backpack we're pins and stickers; things ranging from a flower, to fandom things, to a skull. The pins were the gay flag, a bisexual flag, and a nonbinary flag. She also had random pins like a ghost, "too cute to die" pin, and alien pin. Kandi keychain we're on her backpack too.

Mirabel enter her house and took off her shoes and ran toward her room. She toss her backpack onto her bed and floo onto it. She rolled onto her back and turn on her tv and Xbox. She put on a random show, one that was about nature documentary. She look around her room, fairy lights were glowing and changing colors. Posters of bands and rapper hang on her walls. Tapestry, graffiti, song quotes, and doodles too. Her room was very cool. Glancing at the window she check up on her plant, one that Isabela gave her, it was healthy and alive. She have it a bit off water and and plant food.

Picking up her phone she texted her cousins (even though they live in the same house. She was just lazy) and her friends. Tomorrow she have to go over to the basketball court and practice and have another game. Thank goodness it's the start of summer vacation.


Mirabel woke to her alarm and also to her door slamming open. She bolted up and rub her eyes and grab her glasses.

"Huh? Wha?" She mumbled.

"Wake up! It's Toni birthday party! We have to get ready." Luisa said, coming into the room and grab her old the bed and over her shoulder.

"LUISA! Put me down! I need to get dress!"

"Sorry sibling dear mama need your help today. Besides the miracle is happening tonight, hopefully..." Luisa explained as the two travel downstairs and toward the kitchen. She gently put Mirabel down and the younger child glare at her.

"You have to behave today. Abuela is very upset and stressed out. Especially since Lola and Isa are here for summer vacation from college. Now, pronouns?"

Mirabel let out a snort. Leave it to her sister to get all mother hen.

"I'm not Camilo Lulu, I don't change my pronouns. But it's the thought that counts." She said as she light punch her sister on the shoulder then winched at punch hurting her hand. "If you want I can wear my pins? Would that help?"

Luisa nod. Mirabel then ran back up and got change. She put on her pins "she", "they", and "xe/xem". She put on her teal overalls shorts, her ratty shoes, and a white tank-top. Her wrap her hoodie around her waist. She lit the pins on her beanie. Running downstairs she can back toward Luisa.


"Awesome! Now, let's clean."


It took a couple of hours to clean the Caista. For a magical house it sure took a long time to clean it. After eating and talking to the family, she grab her basketball and skateboard and left. She only has a few hours before her cousin's part. After hours of playing she high-five her friends goodnight and headed home. Checking her phone she saw that she was barely on time. She skated faster.

It was bedtime and her cousin has a gift and everything was good. But Mirabel could sense that her parents and sisters were wondering why she was always running out of the house. She didn't have the heart to tell her family that she trying to become a professional basketball player, that she was even on the school's basketball team as well as being the leader! She is afraid of her family knowing then they would start putting pressure on her, to be a copy of Luisa.

Her family certainly didn't like her alternative clothing or her skating, they thought she would get into drug or something. She see teens both older and younger get into drugs, but she never has. Camilo hasn't either....

Rolling into her bed Mirabel thought about her future and thinking of going to the skate park tomorrow..


"Lulu! Cami! Wait up!" She cried as she ran after her family. The two older teens stop and looks behind them, waving to Mirabel as she tan down the sidewalk.



"What-huff-what are you-ack-what are you up too?" Mirabel asked, bending over and trying to catch her breath. She could hear Camilo laughing.

"We're heading to the store for some snacks, then I'm going to watch Lulu play hoops."

Mirabel immediately stood up, wide eyes. Her sister plays basketball? She thought that Luisa did soccer and swimming? Did she decide to play a third sport or did she drop one? Luisa seeing her confusion just light punch her on the shoulder.

"I'm still swimming and soccer, after all I have a scholarship in both. Basketball is just a hobby, like when I mountain climb or bike. You seem......pretty interested in me playing, do you play?"

"Um, what? Why, why would I? I'm just dorky nerdy Mirabel... hahahaha."

Luisa and Camilo gave her both identical blank faces. "Mira," Camilo spoke, putting one hand on her shoulder, "you suck at lying."

She sigh and then kick at rock that was next to her. "Ok ok, the truth is this mass middle school and this school year I've been on the basketball team. Leader too. I also been going out and playing at the park. Me and my friend want to go professional. If I can't I always have my sewing, y'know?"

Luisa stop walking, causing Mirabel to run into her sister. Luisa turn around and grip Mirabel into a hug, lifting the girl off her feet.

"Miiiiiira you should have told me! I would have help you with practice and help you with you're weight and flexibility."

"Oh don't worry about that! Tio Bruno has been teaching me and some other teens and kids how to parkour! He's a pro! Do you think mama and Tia Pepa can parkour too?"

Luisa pit down her sister and the three teens keep walking. Camilo was hopping around the sidewalk, chatting on how Luisa and Mirabel should play a one-on-one game and see would could win. The two girls look and each other and shrug, sure, why not.

Luisa beat her. By 3 points. Mirabel feel back into the living room's chair. Basking in the cool air condition room. Mirabel was a bit upset and jealous that her sister beat her. But then again she only started play since 6th grade. While her sister play for much longer. She definitely needs Luisa to give her some pointers.....

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