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A/N: You know those fanfic crossover were X is the adoption or biological child of slenderman and everyone freaked out but the child is like yeah he's my dad he's weird :) yeah thoese fic? Love them. So here one about Mirabel being slenderman kid!

Might make a part 2


Colombia is made up of rainforest, jungles, rivers and mountains. There many myths and folklore about creatures living in the wet, deep woods. Thought most of the myth involves the rivers and lake in the land; Huallepen, Mohana, El Hombre Caiman, and La Llorona.

Other creatures are told as well, Wako, for example is a animal spirit that digs hole and lives in caves and eat anyone that enter their homes. There also Sachamama; a giant boa constrictor that has tress and plants and animals living on her back.

Though all her life, with isn't much since she 5, Mirabel Madrigal has grown up with these tales. Her older sister, Isabela, and her older cousin, Dolores, seem to be obsessed with these tales. Mirabel doesn't understand why someone would like these scary and blood stories, real or not.

She seems to understand her sister's and cousin's enchantment with the stories on her birthday and gift ceremony.

Being 5 is a very important age to the Madrigal family. It's on that day a child get a magical gift. Her mama, Tio, and Tia have gifts. Her sisters and cousins have gift.

Mirabel doesn't have a gift.

Her door faded and she wasn't gifted a power. It was after that day she noticed the change in her family. The biggest thing she notice was that her Tio was gone, and that her Abuela seem to act cold to her. Sure her Abuela still hug and kiss her, but she seem...uncomfortable or unease around her, as if she don't know how to act around her granddaughter anymore, as if she never met her.

The town also treat her differently, some school kids would call her names and bull her, while the adults ignored her or treat her like glass.

This went on for a month, until Mirabel had enough and ran away.


SLENDERMAN is an old god. Old, bored, and tired
God. SLENDERMAN has many names ranging from anger to annoying to hopefully. But SLENDERMAN prefers Slender or Slendy.

A little girl call him that, Slendy. Once. Before she died. Before he killed her. He sometimes misses her....

Slendy is a powerful creature that come from a very long line of "family" (it don't have a race or family he just a copy of a copy of a copy. The original was long, long, gone. Dead.) Slendy has been around the world multiple times. Seeing empires grow and fall, seeing the development of the internet and electric. He has met many, many, people.

Slendy has gone through many phase of it's long life when it comes to humans. Hating them, protecting them, eating and killing them, torturing them. It's a long list. He also kidnapped humans, sometimes he keeps them, turning them into a creature that not like him, but not like any other creatures he has met. Something that is unique, and his.

A buzz enters his head, a familiar pull. Now Slendy isn't the only god or supernatural creature, he is far from the last too. Each god and creatures came up with the ability to telepathic communicate with one another, so they don't have to travel. He can't remember why this situation happened, maybe his "brother" Splendorman, a happy-go-lucky, kind creature from his "race", was the one who came up with the idea. That man is always trying to make friends.

"We're gods! Powerful ancient creatures, we should protecting the humans not killing or eating them. Or at least be neutral towards them. You heard the stories they tell about us! The religious and sacrifices too! Why should we kill them? To satisfy our bloodlust? Our boredom?" His "brother" argued.

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