Protective Neices

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A/N: this request is by Jas who Dolores and Mirabel defends Bruno from the villagers.

Fun fact: the triplets birthdays is October 17. Felix is November 11 Agustin is June 19, Luisa is also in November 14. Camilo is December 28 and Antonio is in May 21. You can find this info on Twitter.

Trigger warning: mild violence, minor acephobia and arophobia.

Hermano—— brother
Estás bien?—- are you ok?
irse——go away/leave

dejen en paz a mi tio idiotas——Leave my uncle alone you jerks

si no, gritaré tan fuerte que te sangrarán los oídos——if you don't I'll scream so loud you're ears will bleed

¡salir! ¡Le diré a mami que luego te arrepentirás! ella te zap con su iluminación——leave! I'll tell mommy on you then you'll be sorry! she's zap you with her lighting



Apple have cyanide in them. Cherries too. They taste bitter.

Blood taste like cooper.

Strawberries tast—-


A sharp kick was sent to his ribs. Bruno let out a wet cough, a bit of blood came out, landing on the ground. Bruno let's out a weak moan, he curls up around himself, making him hiss when he moves his ribs in a wrong direction.

There a crowd around him. Yelling, pointing, a mob. Bruno dosnt look up, he just curly in on himself, like a turtle or some other pathetic animal. What did he do this time? Did he give out a vision? Did he look at anyone weirdly? Not look at anyone?

Whatever the case, there a mob surrounding him, calling him names and slurs and are hiring and kicking him. One man even threw a cigarette at him. Bruno just let the mob be, they'll get bored eventually.

"Hey! Stop! Hermano?! Estás bien? irse! monstruos! "

Hands grab at him, gently leading him to a sitting prostitution. Opening his eyes, then blinking them from the sunshine, Bruno can see Julieta next to him, worry all over her face. "Here, eat, eat!"

She shoves a pastry to his lips. Taking the food Bruno eats it, he can feel the magic working, he hissed in pain once the bones re-break. Bruises and scraps fade too.

"Dejen en paz a mi tio idiotas! Si no, gritaré tan fuerte que te sangrarán los oídos!"

There standing in front of Julieta and Bruno was little Dolores, only 8 year old. She was yelling (actually she was only talking but to her it was yelling) with her arms spread out, as if she was trying to block the mob from seeing her family. Bruno couldn't see his's neice's face but he could tell how angry she was.

"¡salir! ¡Le diré a mami que luego te arrepentirás! ella te zap con su iluminación" she threatened.

The mob just stood there, some shuffling around uncomfortable at being yelled at my a child, others just laugh either at how cute Dolores was being, or how annoying she was. Julieta help Bruno up to his feet, while his injury's were heal he still felt weak, fatigue. Bruno lean against his sister's side and the three family members left the town square and back home.

Once the family was inside Bruno sat on the living room couch, worn out. "Jules...How did you find me?"

Julieta came into the living room with some tea, she place it on the coffee table. She pointed toward Dolores who was curled up right next to Bruno. "She did, Dolores heard yelling and you crying in pain so she got me."

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