Laced With Demon's Blood

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Five Days Later...

It was just so peaceful!

The leader let out a deep sigh, a faint smile pulling at his lips as he soaked in the sight of where he was standing. Soft sand underneath his feet, the sound of waves crashing down filling his ears. The gentle breeze, wafting around the smell of saltwater relaxed him greatly. It wasn't too hot despite the bright sun above him, it was clear from all signs of danger. No dead in sight for miles, only a few hours out where there was a small town, perfect for supply runs... It was perfect.

"They're gonna love it," Seokjin smiled as he slipped into the driver's seat of their car, adjusting the mirror to shelter his eyes from the daylight. "We've done good, Joonie."

"Let's just hope it stays this serene until we get back," Namjoon nodded, taking in the view for a few more moments before getting into the passenger seat, throwing his feet over the dashboard and resting his arms behind his head. "If it stays as safe as this, we could live here indefinitely... Imagine that, hyung! Bangtan living on a beach... We could find you a fishing rod, you'll be well away. The maknaes will be over the moon, especially while the weather's still nice."

"Sounds heavenly, Joonie," Seokjin chuckled as the younger grew excited with the idea. He started up the engine, slowly backing the car off of the sand. "Let's go get the others. We need to make at least one fuel stop, so I doubt we'll get there before dark... They won't believe it when we tell them, that's for sure."


"Nayeonah, don't go too far," Yoongi sighed, keeping a close eye on the little girl as she wandered the open road. It was easy to see her from where he was sitting on the front porch, under the shade of the canopy. He knew Jimin was watching her carefully as well, sitting next to him and resting his head on his shoulder; also Hoseok, Woosung and Dawon weren't far away, so he didn't really have to worry. "Make sure we can see you and stay away from the trees, sweetheart."

"She's okay, yeobo," Jimin mumbled over a sip of water, a drowsy smile on his lips as he watched the girl entertain herself with her own imagination. "She's a smart girl. Let her have her fun, she must be bored out of her mind... You shouldn't worry so much, it's not healthy."

"I know. I can't help it, though," Yoongi sighed, taking the bottle of water from the younger which he received a pout over. Taking a long sip, he handed it back with a small smirk, resisting the urge to ruffle the boy's hair. "Chasing after you two, I don't know which way's up. You both drive me insane."

"Damn," Jimin clicked his tongue, tilting his head as the elder wrapped his arm around his waist and continued to smirk at him. "I didn't realise we were so burdensome to you. Poor Yoongissi, you must be absolutely exhausted having to put up with us, all the time. Whatever shall you do? Should I find some divorce papers, honey? Would that make life easier for you?"

"Oh, shut up," Yoongi laughed, lightly smacking the boy upside the head. It was nice to see him in such high spirits, he had honestly missed his boy's sassy side. "You brat, don't mention such things."

Jimin just pouted more, rubbing his head as he gave the elder his best sad eyes.

"Meanie, I'm sure that is abuse," He frowned, still pretending to be hurt though he knew his husband was seeing straight through his act. Instead of giving in though, he just shoved the bottle back in his hand and pushed himself to his feet, turning towards the door behind them. "I'm not staying out here with a bully. I'm gonna go sit with people who are nice to me, who love and care about me."

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