No rush

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"Jungkook, slow down a bit, buddy," Seokjin sighed, watching as the youngest boy sped walked ahead of him and Jimin. "There's really no rush." 

"You said we need to leave," Jungkook said, not turning to look at them. He just kept walking, not slowing his pace at all. "Therefore, we need to leave."

"Kook..." Jimin's small voice came from just behind Seokjin, causing the eldest to turn to see him. "Just... Slow down, please." 

Jimin was struggling to keep up with the other two and was starting to feel the dizziness from earlier come back. His legs were getting tired again and all he wanted to do was sit down. Seokjin slowed until he was by the small boy's side to check on him, seeing the tired look seeping into his expression.

"You okay, Chim?" Seokjin asked, concern laced through his tone. He was still extremely worried for the boy, and he didn't want him to overexert himself after the previous night. 

"Yeah, I just... I need a moment," Jimin mumbled, stumbling to an abrupt stop, almost tripping over his own feet. 

Seokjin quickly grasped the small boy's arm, gently, so he didn't fall.  "Okay, honey. Just slow down. Just relax. You're okay." The elder could tell the boy was slipping into an absence seizure and he wasn't willing to let it escalate this time. He couldn't, not again.

Jungkook noticed the tone of the eldest's voice and turned on his heel with concern in his eyes. He turned just as Jimin's face fell blank. The small boy's eyes drifted off to the side as if he was daydreaming. There was no expression on Jimin's face, he just looked completely dazed and out of it.

"Jiminie?" Jungkook jogged back to the older two and gently held the boy's other arm, just so he had extra support. Jimin blinked a couple of times, coming around enough to hear Jungkook calling him. The fit only lasted a few seconds but it was enough to confuse the boy. "Can you hear me?"

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed, scrunching his eyes closed so some moisture could return to them. His feet stepped back, involuntarily, causing Seokjin's grip to tighten on his arm slightly and wrap his other arm around his waist.

"You're okay, buddy," Seokjin smiled down at the small boy, watching as confusion flooded his eyes. "Just breathe for a moment, and then we'll head back. Just relax, there's no rush." 

Jimin nodded slightly, trying to put together his surroundings. He just rested his head on Seokjin's chest and waited for the fuzziness in front of his eyes to disappear.

"I want Yoongi," Jimin mumbled into Seokjin's shirt. The elder just smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, comfortingly.

"Let's go and find him then," Seokjin chuckled, smiling to keep the boy calm, though he was mentally making sure to watch him very carefully. "Shall we?"

"Thank you so much, for everything," Namjoon thanked Jisoo and the other two girls. The men had collected all their belongings and were just sat around the main room of the barn, waiting for Seokjin to return with Jimin and Jungkook."We are incredibly sorry for your loss."

"Just take what you need," Jisoo said, not wanting to acknowledge Namjoon's condolences. "We were glad to be of help. Thank you for reuniting us." 

"We really do owe you," Taehyung added, looking mostly at Jennie but talking to all three of them. "I owe you." 

"As I said," Jisoo said in a flat voice and shrugged, folding her arms, lightly, across her chest. "We're glad to be of help." 

The chatter was soft and quiet around the room. Taehyung was talking to Jennie, saying goodbye. Namjoon just kept thanking the girls. Yoongi and Hoseok sat near the door with their bags, just chatting quietly about where they could go when they left. 

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