We Will Find Them

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"You actually awake this time?" Hoseok smiled softly, watching as Yoongi stirred again, probably for the eighth time that day. He had been in and out of consciousness all day but, now, Yoongi slowly turned his head, flickering his gaze to the man sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Huh, well," The elder scoffed slightly, scrunching his eyes tight to avoid the sunlight in the room. His eyelids felt itchy, and it was like his entire body had dry mouth, but he still forced a small smile. "Not dead..."

"Not yet, hyung," Hoseok chuckled lightly, happy to see that his hyung had finally woken properly and actually seemed to be feeling pretty good within himself. He poured a glass of water and held it out for him. "Not yet. Here, drink this."

"What is it?" Yoongi croaked, his voice hoarse against his scratchy throat, as he sat himself up and took the glass from the younger. 

"Lukewarm water," Hoseok sighed, knowing it probably wasn't exactly the treat the elder was expecting. Woosung had him drink litres of it himself when he was getting his strength back, so he knew how bad it was. "Tastes pretty much like shit, trust me... But doctor's orders, so drink up." 

"Where's Chim?" Yoongi asked, grimacing as he drank the warm water, mentally telling himself it was coffee instead but still wasn't fooled. He was surprised to see his husband wasn't in the room, though he did remember what had happened so he grew worried, a little."I was expecting him, not you, to be honest. Is he alright? Everything was so chaotic last night and he went all 50 first dates on me. Forgot everything... But he's alright now? I know he was scared but..."

"Hyung..." Hoseok's smile dropped as did his pleased tone, his eyes instantly turning sad when he realised he was the one who had to tell Yoongi the truth. "You've been sleeping for two days. Woosungnim had to keep you sedated so your body didn't rush itself into recovering too quick... Yoongs, Jiminie isn't here." 

"What?" Yoongi frowned at the younger. At least that explained why he felt so dehydrated. "Well, where is he? If he's with Tae, that's fine but..."

"Yoongs," Hoseok shook his head, looking at the elder as he tried not to cry. "Taehyungie and Jiminie never came back... We've been searching everywhere for them but we don't know where they are."

"What?" Yoongi asked again, his voice suddenly hitching as he threw the duvet off the bed and went to stand up. "Are you kidding me?"

"Hyung, wait, you can't just run out," Hoseok tried, going to stop the elder as he pulled the IV out of his hand and frantically stumbled over to the door. Just as the two reached the door, they were stopped by Seokjin and Woosung when they entered the room.

"Yoongi, you shouldn't be out of bed," Woosung tsked, holding the man on his feet to stop him from falling over, but was shocked when he fought back.

"No, I need to find Jimin!" Yoongi shook his head, trying to get out of the room but his body wasn't strong enough to fight against the doctor. Seokjin sent a soft glare at Hoseok, seeing as he must have been the only one to tell the panicked man. "Why aren't you all out looking?"

"Namjoon and Jungkook are out there now, with a group of others," The eldest said, pulling his brother away from the doctor and back to the bed. He felt bad for being thankful Yoongi was still weak, but he knew if he was well he would have been putting up much more of a fight. Though it didn't take much effort to get him back to the bed, keeping him there was the problem. "Yoongi, sit down. You are no good to him if you're still ill. They got out of that house, we know that much... Now, sit down!" 

"I need to be out there! Looking for them!" Yoongi shouted, angry tears spilling over, pushing against his hyung but only found himself being hugged close. "If I hadn't left them..."

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