What They All Needed

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"Wait, hyung..." Taehyung stopped the couple from leaving the canteen, despite the rising chaos around them. "Just wait."

He quickly grabbed his soulmate away from Yoongi, pulling him close into a hug while hiding him from the attacker on the other side of the table. He knew the boy well enough to know how he was feeling. Hell, he knew him so well that he could damn near hear his thoughts. 

"Tae, let's get him out of here," Yoongi said, his voice hushed as an argument was picking up between the two men and their leader. He could feel everyone starting to stare and was honestly starting to question Jimin's safety at that point. "He doesn't need to be in here."

Jimin was trembling in Taehyung's arms, his head buried into his neck, and was holding his shirt tight in tiny clenched fists. Taehyung knew his soulmate wasn't shaking out of fear, he wasn't scared at that moment, his small whimpers weren't from panicking... 

Jimin was furious.

"Chimmy," Taehyung just whispered against the boy's ear, ignoring the elder. "It's okay, you can get angry. Just let yourself feel it." 

It only took three words from his best friend to help Jimin truly feel the emotion he had been swallowing down, refusing to let himself feel, for weeks.

"Jiminah," Taehyung whispered again, loosening his grip on the boy so he was free to move. "Let go.

It was like opening floodgates. Jimin had received the only permission he needed and the extreme wave of anger hit him, so hard, that he actually cried out and almost collapsed in his friend's arms. A long, shrill mix of a shout and a scream of pure frustration. 

"Good boy," Taehyung nodded while stroking his hand over his hair, holding Jimin for a few more seconds before standing him up straight and letting his arms drop so he could act on how he was now feeling. In a split second, Jimin had turned away from him and he didn't make any effort to stop him when he stormed over to the man he would have once run away from. 

Yoongi went to stop him, scared for what would happen, scared for his fiance who never got this angry, but Taehyung held him back.

"Let him, hyung," The boy told Yoongi, giving him a look of reassurance. "He needs to do this." 

"Jimin, I really am thankful that you..." Hyungsik started, seeing the boy walking back over, hoping he had come back to hear him out. 

Only, he fell quiet when the boy stalked around the table towards him, face serious with fully-blown pupils and flaring nostrils, raising his fist just for it to be caught in Namjoon's big strong hand. 

Jimin suddenly gasped and looked up at the leader with wide glossy eyes, shocked that he had stopped him. 

Namjoon was taken aback by the rage on his dongsaeng's face, never once seeing Jimin any more than just annoyed. He didn't say anything though, nor did he let go of the boy's fist. He just gave him a soft shake of his head. 

Jimin looked back at Hyungsik who now looked just as shocked as he had when Hoseok attacked him as well. 

It was almost as if Hyungsik was scared of Jimin

"You think I want you here?" Jimin shouted, capturing the attention of every person in the canteen. He felt like his entire body was on fire, every nerve burning, blood pumping so hard it was deafening. He was a bomb, mere seconds away from exploding.

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