This place is a gold mine

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The group of seven had walked at least seven miles and were completely exhausted. Both leaders had been carrying a member of the younger side of the group for the best part of an hour. Namjoon having the short end of the straw, carrying Taehyung on his back as he slept, and Seokjin carrying Jimin in his arms since he was too tired to walk any further. 

On the walk, Jimin went in and out of absence seizures and had to keep stopping every half hour or so, which worried the group deeply but they were glad that nothing progressed into anything more serious. Yoongi was, honestly, surprised he had made it that far without collapsing but was glad that he actually accepted some help this time. 

"It cannot be any farther than this, surely!" Namjoon complained, with a dramatic eye roll, as he made sure he wasn't about to drop Taehyung, who was slipping off his back. "As much as I love this kid, he's fricking heavy!" 

"She said it was about ten miles," Yoongi complained, staying close to Seokjin to keep an eye on his boyfriend. He was carrying his backpack, as well as Seokjin's and Jimin's, and his back was absolutely killing him. 

"Is that a car?" Hoseok pointed out in front of them, gesturing to some sort of shape forming in the distance, hoping the long walk was over. "We might already be there." 

"It is," Jungkook confirmed, seeing the cars clearer since he was a bit further ahead. "Hyung, that's the intersection."

"Right, let's wake these two up," Namjoon said, sighing in relief, being more than ready to put Taehyung down. "Jungkook, hold up. We are not just walking into it. We need to be cautious. It may be dangerous."

Hoseok walked over to Namjoon to help him wake Taehyung up and Yoongi stood with Seokjin.

"Jiminie?" Seokjin gave the small boy a shake in his arms, flashing him a warm smile as he squinted up at him.

"We're here, Jagi," Yoongi smiled at him.

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, slowly waking up more.

"Come on, Jagi," Yoongi smiled as Seokjin lowered the boy to the ground, keeping his hands on his shoulders until he was stable. Yoongi handed Seokjin and the younger their bags back and took Jimin's hand, kissed the back of it, and the three walked over to the other four. Taehyung was now awake but had a small, yet dramatic, pout on his lips. He always hated being woken and this was no exception. The group was just lucky he had grown out of his temper tantrums. 

The group walked cautiously up to the first few cars, only to be met by at least one hundred more. The two roads of the intersection were full of cars, trucks, and vans. Namjoon couldn't help but feel a huge amount of hope building inside of him.

"Dear God," Hoseok breathed, taking in the number of vehicles around them.

"Don't let your guards down until we know it's safe," Namjoon instructed, taking his knife out of his belt, still being cautious and not letting his excitement get the better of him. "Keep your voices down and make sure the place is clear before searching for anything."

"Yes sir," Jimin mumbled quietly, half-jokingly half sarcastically, also reaching for his knife as the others were. Yoongi flashed him an amused smile but turned it sympathetic when he saw how tired the boy's eyes were and how his feet stumbled beneath him.

"Don't let him hear you," Yoongi chuckled, staying close to the boy, keeping hold of his hand, trying to cheer him up. "He may just send you off as live bait." 

Jimin chuckled at this, shaking his head lightly, before remembering something. He dropped Yoongi's hand and pulled his backpack off his back and unzipped it.

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