You Guys Come First.

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It was a few hours before the sunset fully. The men took turns keeping watch until it got too dark outside and then took their chances from inside the cars. They had strategically pushed the cars around so one was facing one end of the road and one was facing the other end. It was so whatever two were on watch had a clear view of one direction each.

Jungkook was first to keep watch, then Jimin and Taehyung. They kept watching until it got too dark to stay outside. The elder members took the later watches so the younger ones could fall asleep before it got too cold. Yoongi took the first watch from one car and Namjoon took the first watch from the other car.

Jungkook and Tae were asleep in the back of one car, leaning their heads on each other's shoulders, using Taehyung's oversized winter coat as a blanket to keep them warm though that didn't stop the cold air from nipping, harshly, at their cheeks. Namjoon was sat in the driver's seat, in his thick woollen jumper and leather jacket, his shotgun ready in his gloved hands, and was focusing on the road ahead. He was drained of all energy but refused to let his eyes close for any more than a second.

In the other car, Seokjin, in a huge woollen jumper and thick leather gloves, was on watch in the front of the car. Hoseok was fast asleep in the passenger seat beside him. He was wearing every piece of clothing that he had in his backpack, which honestly was only a pair of jeans, a vest top, a t-shirt, and a thick jumper. 

Yoongi was in the backseat, with Jimin sleeping on his lap, just staring out the window watching as everything outside became engulfed in shadows. He wanted to sleep but he just couldn't get himself to relax enough. His thoughts were racing through his mind at the same pace as his panicked heart beat. He didn't feel safe on the road, he didn't feel that any of them were safe, and that feeling made him sick to the stomach. He felt like, any second, everything could go wrong.

"You should sleep." Seokjin's soft voice traveled from the front seat to Yoongi's ears, pulling him out of his trail of dark thoughts.

"I'm fine," Yoongi replied, quietly so he didn't wake the younger two. He was too preoccupied to sleep.

It was silent outside, suspiciously silent. Yoongi didn't like it, it unnerved him. Usually the dead was much more active after dark, especially in the cold, and yet there was no one in sight.

"You need to sleep. You're not going to be any good tomorrow, if you're exhausted, Yoongs. We'll probably have a long walk ahead of us in the morning." Seokjin said, looking at him in the rearview mirror. Yoongi didn't look up, he just kept his gaze on the window. 

Seokjin sighed, not liking watching his brother struggle. It was so obvious that the younger's anxiety was playing up but Seokjin didn't know what to do to help him feel calmer. 

"I know for a fact that you won't show it but you can't hide how tired you are, Yoongi. Not from me, us, especially not from Jimin." He continued. "He knows, Yoongi. He knows your struggling. I know it too, we all do. And you're hiding behind the act of looking after us, but you're not looking after yourself. It's no good taking care of everyone else if you don't take care of yourself as well."

"You guys come first," Yoongi said simply, sharply. "You guys will always come first." Seokjin kept his eyes on Yoongi for a few more seconds, taking in the sunken look of his eyes and the way he wearily looked out the window as if he was paranoid of something, before sighing in defeat.

He admired the way Yoongi cared for the group but he also worried about him, especially when he didn't take care of himself. Yoongi went through stages where he only cared for the ones around him, completely forgetting about himself. He had always struggled with anxiety and paranoia, he was no stranger to the dark temptations of depression either. 

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