Not turning back

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The men dashed around, grabbing all the bags and everything from the back of the cars. There were two hours of sunlight left at most, so they knew they had to move quickly. 

Jisoo had kindly given Namjoon a wheelchair that was in the offside shed, so they could get Taehyung back to the barn safely. She said it was already there when they started staying there and they just left it, not having any use for it. Namjoon, however, wasn't anticipating going back to two immobile brothers. 

"Taehyung, just get in the chair." Namjoon sighed, rubbing his fingers to the bridge of his nose in exasperation, as the younger boy refused.

"I told you I'll walk," Taehyung said, attempting to, once again, pushing himself out of the car but it just wasn't working. He just wasn't strong enough to hold up his own weight. 

"Jimin needs it more than I do." He told the leader, looking over to the boy, who was sat on the grass with his head down. 

After waking, Jimin had managed to clear his head and talk to Yoongi. He wanted some fresh air so Yoongi helped the young boy out of the car and sat down on the grass with him, holding his arm over his shoulder comfortingly. 

Yoongi could tell that he was still trying to recover from the episode and just held him tight, protectively. Jungkook and Lisa had told him the details and he was shocked. 

The reason the seizure must have taken a huge toll on Jimin, other than the fact that it was a really intense tonic-clonic seizure, was because he hadn't had one in so long. He was always really good at taking his medication, making it so he didn't usually experience anything worse than Absence seizures. But with missing a dose, physical exertion and all the stress from before, Jimin's body just gave in. 

"Tae," Namjoon sighed, kneeling down to the boy, placing his hands on his shoulders to stop him from falling out of the car. The medication had taken Taehyung's fever down and took away some of the symptoms, but they had left him rather wobbly because... Well, no one's diet was stable enough to be healthy, anymore. 

"I don't mean this in an offensive way, kid, but Jimin is a lot easier to carry than you are," Namjoon smirked at the boy, earning a little giggle from him.

"That's true." Taehyung shrugged. He was a fair bit taller than Jimin and was a slightly bigger build than the tiny boy. 

Taehyung chuckled slightly to himself before leaning into Namjoon hands. He couldn't tell if the movement was voluntary or not, though.

"Come on, buddy." Namjoon smiled, sweetly, at the boy. "Just sit down." 

With that, Taehyung just gave in with a shrug and let Namjoon help him into the wheelchair. Once seated, Namjoon pushed him over to where Hoseok and Seokjin were standing. 

They seemed to be watching something rather entertaining, Namjoon thought, judging by the amused smirks on their faces. 

"What's going on?" He asked the older two, standing next to them. They didn't say anything but Hoseok pointed, with his smirk growing quickly, over to Jungkook.

"Are you just stupid?" Jungkook exclaimed, throwing bags on the floor, at Lisa. "Do you really think we have enough just for you to help yourself?"

"I'm sorry but I really don't think right now is the time to be arguing about this." The girl shouted at him, crossing her arms across her chest and refusing to pick up the bag that had just hit her shin. 

"I couldn't agree more." Jungkook shook his head with a sigh, turning and standing in front of the girl. He smirked, smugly at her, leaning closer and hushing his tone so only she could hear him. "So, why don't you shut that pretty, little mouth of yours and help out?" 

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