Open Your Eyes

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Hoseok's room was quiet, once again. The atmosphere never really changed in the room, it was always still, peaceful, with a heartwrenching amount of sorrow lingering in the air. Seokjin hadn't released his brother's hand, Namjoon hadn't moved from his seat, and Dawon remained close by the boy's side. Nothing ever changed.

"I'm gonna go and get a coffee," Dawon sighed. She had been playing with her brother's hair, hoping for some sort of reaction, but when she realised she wasn't going to get one, she decided to concede. "You two want one?"

"Yes, please," Namjoon nodded, his tongue was tingling at the thought of an actual hot coffee. "That would be lovely."

"Seokjin?" Dawon asked the man directly after he didn't respond. Yet, he still didn't answer. Instead, he stared down at Hoseok, a sceptical expression on his face. "What's wrong?"

Seokjin kept frowning, unsure if he was felt it correctly. Did Hoseok really just flex his fingers? After feeling the slight movement around his hand, again, the man spoke up.

"Hoseokie?" He asked in a crystal clear voice, though it was small with uncertainty. Had he just been sat there for too long? Was he just imagining it? 

Namjoon and Dawon shared a glance of confusion, frowning at the older man as if he had lost it. It was very clear Hoseok was still sleeping, he didn't move at all.

"Hoseokie, honey? Can you hear me?" Seokjin asked, gently squeezing the boy's hand, hoping he'd repeat the action. And then he felt it again, a very soft squeeze around his big hand. He shot his eyes up to the others, glee making them shine. "He grabbed my hand."

"You're imagining it, hyung," Namjoon sighed at the elder, sadly. "You're tired, I think you're just..."

"No, I mean it!" Seokjin shook his head, pushing himself up from his chair and sitting on the side of the bed. "Hoseokie, open your eyes, honey. Can you do that?" 

Dawon took a seat on the other side of the bed, watching closely to see if the man was right, then she saw it for herself. Her brother's pale fingers faintly flexed around Seokjin's hand.

"Namjoon, get Woosung, now!" She ordered, moving quickly to the other side, making Seokjin drop the boy's hand so she could hold it instead. "Tell him he's waking up!"

"I'm going to get Yoongi," Seokjin said, ushering Namjoon to be quick in getting the doctor. "He and Jimin need to be here. Namjoon, find Kook when you're back."

"Please, Hyungsik," Yoongi wept, tears flooding his cheeks as he held Jimin close. He had laid the boy on his back, pushing down on his stomach as much as he could. He couldn't think about whether or not it was hurting him, of course, it was, but there was no other way. His hands were covered in the boy's blood, the sight was crushing his heart as if it was a vice. "I am begging you, get someone, please!"

"You see, Yoongi," Hyungsik sighed, watching as the man sobbed, ignoring his desperate pleas for help.  "You just don't seem to understand it yet."

"Understand what?" Yoongi shouted, his voice cracking painfully. Hyungsik was seemingly trying to have a casual conversation with him but he couldn't handle it. He was running out of time. Jimin was running out of time.

"That everything has just been handed to you guys," Hyungsik shrugged. "I get that you, Pretty boy, Ringleader and the kid have been helping out around here. You and the kid have been doing little jobs in the armoury which is nice. The ringleader's been going on runs, fair enough, and pretty boy's been doing his best in the kitchen, much to the disgust of our fellow friends. We won't mention how useless Tae was here, though. He just thought the was a social club and... As for this one,"

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