A Psychotic Mind

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Back at the Hospital...

The Hospital stood in silence, the sun creating a suffocating blanket of heat as the dust started to settle. The awkward atmosphere in the most important office, in the building, sat between the two adults as Woosung forced them to sit and wait.

"It's quiet..." The doctor spoke up, for the first time in at least an hour. "I think it's over."

"Oh, you think it's over, Woosung?" Dawon scoffed, lifting her head from her knees as she looked up from the corner she had sat in, giving the man an incredulous glare. "You think it's safe now? You think we can just walk off and be okay, now?"

"Probably," The man just shrugged, walking over to the window behind them, not bothering to bite into the woman's anger. Pulling the curtains back, he wasn't met with much to go off, just the back of the hospital and one single abandoned car. "Back's clear, we could sneak out. Go to that town you were talking about, possibly catch up with..."

Woosung didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying, the sound of footsteps and drawers clattering interrupting him. Dawon was already out of the door by the time he had scoffed, grabbed his bag, and followed after her.

"At least let us grab some supplies before we leave, Dawonah," He called after the woman but, the way she turned towards his office, made him realise she had already had the same thought. "What are you looking for? Tell me and I'll help..."

"Just shut up and grab some shit," Dawon shook her head, clearing the doctor's medical cupboard into her backpack. Grabbing everything with first aid written on it, all the way to boxes of inhalers and anticonvulsants, Dawon was determined to make sure her brother and his group had everything they needed this time. 

Woosung watched in awe, unsure of what had caused the sudden change of heart in the woman. Once her bag was complete, she was already throwing boxes of random medications and pain killers at him, causing him to think fast to try and catch them. 

"Half of this isn't going to be helpful to anyone," Woosung shook his head, seeing that the woman wasn't even reading the labels. "Dawon, let me sort through it, jagi. That way we'll be able to carry more. Just go back to your room and grab some water and other things, I'll be quick... Dawon?"

With a sigh, he pulled the woman away from the cupboards, seeing how stressed she was making herself, and hugged her close.

"I don't need this," Dawon shook her head, trying to push the doctor away but he kept a hold on her. "We're running out of time."

"All we have is time, Dawonah," Woosung shook his head, rubbing his hand up and down her back, smiling to himself when he felt the hug being returned subtly. "Take a breath. We have time, jagi. Let's just do this calmly."

With a soft nod, Dawon let out a long exhale before pushing the man away gently. Looking into his eyes, she gave a small smile and he squeezed her hands reassuringly before letting her return to what she was doing. 

The sun was starting to set as the two left the armoury, two huge backpacks each and enough weapons to provide safety for a small group. They were quick to realise they were the only two people left in the entire building, the place quite literally had been abandoned

That fact left Dawon filled with dread. The people, the whole community, that lived under her protection had just disappeared... And all she did was hide in her office like a coward... No, she was forced to hide. This wasn't her fault!

Save Me || Book 1 ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora