I Would Risk Everything

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"Seokjin hyung?" Namjoon spoke up, breaking the silence in the darkened vehicle. Yoongi was driving at a dramatic pace, causing the men in the backseat to grip the safety handles above the windows, and he was showing no signs of slowing down or considering safety. "Are you okay?"

"No," The eldest said, bluntly. Namjoon frowned as Yoongi flashed his gaze to him, through the rearview mirror, before focusing back on the road. The path was dark, but at least it was empty, making the trip quicker than the men had first thought. The only thing that was holding them back was the tension in the air, holding the three in a death grip as to see which would snap first.

Seokjin just kept his eyes on the trees, quickly passing them by, a grim expression only just hiding the fact that he was close to crying; though, Namjoon was able to see straight through his facade.

"Talk to me," Namjoon sighed, his voice low and gentle as he realised his hyung wasn't in a good place, mentally, again. Since what happened at the barn, he always grew weary when the eldest looked down, unsure if those dark thoughts were coming back or not. He never wanted to see any of his brothers look that way, ever again. "What's wrong?"

"I promised Tae and Chim they'd be okay," Seokjin said, his voice barely audible as he bit his lip, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. He needed to be focused, right now, since Yoongi very clearly wasn't. "I told them we wouldn't be separated for long, that everything would be fine... This world is turning me into a liar and I can't stand it." 

"It's almost as if we jinx it," Yoongi commented with a low voice, keeping his narrowed eyes on the road as he shook his head. Exhaustion was tugging at him with every icy breeze that blew through the vehicle, his body still not ready to be out in the cold again, but he wasn't about to turn around. "Every time we make a promise to each other... We're tempting fate every time we try to keep each other positive."

"Yoongi hyung... Slow down. The last thing we need is to crash again," Namjoon said, but it only made the older man fall silent and shoot a glare at him through the mirror. "Seriously, please just slow down."

"We're almost there, there's no point," Yoongi refused, picking it up even more until the car was going at its max speed, the engine roaring as they neared their destination. "Just shut up and let me focus."

Namjoon gritted his teeth, annoyance rising in him as he tried not to snap back at his brother. A cold breeze blew through the vehicle, sending a shiver down his spine, testing his patience even more. As Yoongi sped down the street, silent and focused solely on getting to his destination, Namjoon decided it wasn't fair. He wasn't the only one who was allowed to be on edge, to be scared, to worry.

"Slow the fucking car down, Yoongi!" The leader gave in to his prying emotions, letting himself say what he had wanted for the past hour. The entire ride had caused the man to hold on, white knuckles, as he tried not to fall out of his seat. Not even Seokjin scolding gaze, though, made him bite his words back. 

At the end of the day, whether the group liked it or not, he was still in charge. "I get that you are freaking out right now, but guess what. We all are! You are not the only one who is scared right now, but you are the one who's gonna get us killed by being stupid about it. Now slow the car down or I swear to God, you can pull over right now and walk!"

Obviously, he didn't mean it. Namjoon was not going to make the elder get out in the cold, not after the other day, but he was willing to take control of the car if he needed to. Although, he didn't anticipate Yoongi just getting angry with him.

"Don't start with me, Joon," Yoongi scoffed after a moment of deathly silence, having to gather himself after the younger's harsh words. His tone was spiteful, his eyes just as cold, and he wasn't listening at all. "Just shut up. I am not stopping. I am not slowing down, there is too much at risk right now."

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