Nightmares And Trust

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"Hurry up!" Yoongi exclaimed, anger in his voice as he pushed Jimin forwards through the trees. They were running, totally blind, through the pitch-black forest. Neither of them knew if they were heading in the right direction, they just knew they had to keep going until they reached the safety of their home. The risk of getting caught was just too great. "Just move, come on!"

"I-I'm trying!" Jimin gave a small sob. He was running as fast as his feet could carry him, but he couldn't keep up with the elder, his lungs burning as it felt like he was swallowing fire. "I can't!"

"Well, fucking try harder!" Yoongi shouted, unable to bite back his spiteful words as he caught sight of the dead lingering behind each tree surrounding them. "He's gonna catch up to us."

"I-I think we lost him," Jimin shook his head, brow furrowed as he glanced behind him. He was sure the man wasn't following them anymore, they had outrun him, and they just needed to get home. They had been running for hours, there was no way that psychopath could have possibly kept up with them. Just as he was checking behind him, he felt himself stumble, his feet hitting something hard that knocked him off balance. "H-hyung!"

"Get out of that fucking bed, Jimin!" Hyungsik's words clouded the boy's mind, sending him dizzy. "Come on, retard, we don't have time for this! Yoongi will be back soon and I do not want to have to deal with him."

"For Christ's sake!" Yoongi complained, stalling to a halt, almost falling himself due to how fast he was running. "Again? What the fuck, Jimin? You fucking idiot, we do not have time for this!" 

Jimin cried, his tears subtly falling as he untangled his foot from the tree root it got caught under. Yoongi had never shouted at him this way before, but he had every right to be angry, he was slowing them down.

"Just get the fuck up!" Yoongi shouted, reluctantly going back to help the boy to his feet. Just as he reached his hand out for Jimin to grab, he heard growls growing louder in every direction. "Jimin, get up, now!"

The boy didn't see the man's hand in front of him, panic blinding him as all he could focus on was the monsters closing in on him. 

"Jimin!" The man screamed but the younger refused to cooperate, starting to shake and, eventually, beginning to hyperventilate. "Oh my God, just get up, you retarded bastard! Move it!"

"I suggest you stop that crying shit," Hyungsik's voice invaded Jimin's mind once again, rising above the roaring of the dead. "Before you make me do something I'll regret later."

The man's painfully harsh words caused the younger to flinch away from him, his heart hurt - no - crushed - no - destroyed! Yoongi was about to lose it, the danger around them getting closer and closer, suffocating him.   

More seconds passed and Jimin remained on the dirty, mud, road, paralysed with fear. Fury flooded Yoongi's veins as he noticed a dark shadow passing through the trees. The figure was moving too quickly to be one of the dead. He had found them!

The creatures started to step onto the road, causing Yoongi to scream in vexation. He knelt to the boy's level, gripping his face, harshly, between his hands.

Jimin felt firm hands gripping his arms, pulling him forward but he didn't move, he just stayed seated in the mud. He just felt fire shoot through his back as the phantom force continued to drag him forwards.

Save Me || Book 1 ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt