The object was my son.

"Sir Clovis, I commend you for completing your mission. But when did you find it? The Council of Cardinals has not heard of anything at all."

"Five days ago, when I entered the Divine Power Test."

"Five days? Why didn't you post the report?"

"That's it..."

"I asked you to do that."

Presbyterian eyes turned to Ailet.



"...... He would have meant procrastination of a confrontation with the Council of Cardinals. However, as much as the Holy Father did, it would have been nice to see him beforehand."

"It seems that Sir Clovis resembles a lot of the true Cardinal Yeha."


Such handiwork did not hide what your son had already done.

Bezalius' firm expression cracked.

The sight of the Chancellor of the Evangelical Province in one room became the joy of the Minister of Evangelical Affairs.

Decal Levanice, who stood at the crossroads of Bezalius Argent, did not miss this opportunity.

A middle-aged man with a scholarly impression smiled grattily as he adjusted his outer glasses.

"Greetings, yes. Cardinal Decal Levanice. I refrain from asking, was the 8th Divine Power that was sensed five days ago a courtesy?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I wanted to greet both of you today, so I asked Sir Clovis for a gold ball."

Decal, unlike Bezalius, approached with a gentle demeanor and words and deeds.

Whether this was the correct answer, the voice of the Virgin was also friendly.

These stark results have raised the alarm of those on the evangelical side while those on the prosecutor's side have increased their vigilance.

Ailet's words sparked a nervous battle between the two groups.

"And the title of Yehara is undeserved. I haven't received the ordination yet."

In an instant, Decal's eyes flashed.

"Huh-huh, no. At the same time, this is also a place of ceremonies, so I can deliver the ordination ceremony right away. Would you like to come closer, Saint?"


Bezalius shouted lowly.

"How the Minister of Evangelical Affairs is going to get out of here. It is the Holy Father of the Pope who is worthy to give the Sacrament of Baptism and the ordination to the Saint."

"He speaks hard. Every cardinal has the right to administer the sacraments and rituals."

"The authority is the same, so the authority will be the same."

"It's an old-fashioned way of courtesy. It is a matter of only the Holy Lady agreeing."

They were eager to claim one another the glory of laying their hands on the head of the Saint. It was a good means of elevating their majesty and authority.

"I have something to say."

Everyone's nerves were focused on Ailet.

The words of one young saint weighed more than the two long-lived powers.

The content that followed was even unconventional.

"I want to use the authority of the Virgin to create a knighthood. It's my friend and an organization that will carry out all kinds of missions."

Ailet x Terry [Part 1 Complete]Where stories live. Discover now