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The rigid body was slightly raised, but the weapon skill did not gain any experience points at all. Despite the blessings of super-fast growth, it was clear that this was the wrong way.

I was wondering if I could buy swordsmanship skills at the cash shop and learn them, but that wasn't the case.

All combat skills had ability awakening attached to the purchase conditions. [The 'Trial Skyscraper Architect' tells us that Auror is a field that basically uses the body, and the body has no choice but to train honestly.]' I don't know... … ?'

I understand that you have to approach it as if you were exercising.

When I first bought the Auror package, I was determined.

The problem is that I have no idea what to do by myself. [The awakening of this auror in 'The World Constructing Spirit' requires training in a weapon technique that suits your inclination, a mental method that suits your constitution, and correct movements and footwork, so it is difficult without the help of an expert.] Hearing the advice of the Unsung, I was convinced.

“Okay. Self-study is unreasonable I need a teacher.”

what to do Do I have to attend a swordsmanship class like Prinz? Or maybe there is no home training video lecture in the Cash Shop? What do you mean? It was a puzzling time.

<Oh, do you need a teacher?>


I was startled and startled by the sudden voice, but the necklace of the cross flashed with light.

Soon, a group of lights came together to form the image of a blonde beauty. [<System> The heroic level saint's ego, 'Agnes of Plain Sword' reappears.] A saint's ego? Agnes?

A ghostly translucent figure greeted me warmly.

<Hello, I'm Agnes. Did you know that I was one of the heroes of the Day of Sacrifice who stopped the dungeon burst?>

“Uh, um, maybe Cardinal Cattleya’s friend… … ?”

<Oh, do you know Cattleya? how is he Now she must be old enough to be a curly grandma, is she in good health?>

"Ah yes. How are you."

As there was no situation yet, he answered with a bewildered answer and only nodded his head.

<I will listen carefully to the current situation of my close friend later, and I will start with the main point. i can help you I accidentally prevented a disaster and was promoted to a saint, but in fact, that was not my main job while I was alive.>

“What was your main job?”

<Seonghwangcheong 1st Hell Instructor.>

“… … .”

Suddenly, my shoulders trembled instinctively.

Agnes continued the story cheerfully.

<It was a pity to be reincarnated right away after taking a seat in the Hall of Fame. You seem to have great potential, so I'll help you.>

“How did you know my potential?”

<I felt a divine coming. Are you not the reincarnation of a legendary saint? Don't you remember?>

My ransom seems to have gone up because of the 'Legendary Saint's Soul', the divine power change package.

I didn't bother to deny it.

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