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✠At the time when Agnes and Aylette formed a priestly relationship, Thesilyde was in a place full of crosses, like a cemetery.


A bloody, torn white uniform is scattered in the wind. Every time you inhale, the ash mixed air fills your lungs with a slick flick.

Tadaktadak, Bulti, soared into the dark blue sky from all over the place.

Class A dungeon, the 'Execution Ground of the Mountain Offerings'.

The iron cross, which filled the hills in a daze, hung one by one silhouette that appeared to be human.

It was a sign that people who had been caught in the dungeon sink had been used for demonic rituals.

It was the heretics who were sacrificed.

The denomination never pays for the funerals of the dead without being baptized with "strict order and goodness."

The bodies of the victims hanging from the iron cross will flow into the Devil's garbage dump at the same time as the dungeon is closed.

In fact, he could have saved them. Had the Holy See approved entry into the dungeon a day earlier.

Now it is only a shameless remorse.

Tesilid closed his eyes. With the sword down, all he could do was pray the Qin Hon.✠Kugugu Palace!

The white giant collapsed, and a cloud of dust rose. I didn't have a view for a while, but I put my cultivation plain sword in the swordtail.

A message popped up with the sound of iron interlocking with a chuckle. [Congratulations < > System! You have destroyed the 275th floor boss of the Tower of Trials, 'Hundred Bone Maroon Bon-Dros'.] < easy to catch. It's really amazing. >

"It has to be easy. In the meantime, you've only caught ten maroons."

Since becoming the Auror Expert, the ten floors that have risen have been the Dragon Slayer Special Section.

Huamaroon, Binmaroon, Guangmaroon, Ammaroon, Dokmaroon, Mountain Maroon and so on.

Now that I have caught all the maroons by attribute, I have said that I am sewing them all if they are weaknesses.

To me, the undead maroon was nothing.

< have been holding dragons for 1 year already. >

"I will."

Architect yes, is it a bit too much to worry about ten bosses like this? ['The skyscraper architect of trials' coughs in vain.] Well, if you can revive a dead maroon and recycle it, you can see the end of it now, right?

I decided to think positively.

< should be rooted, Ailet. >


At the same time, the bone powder and dust clouds had subsided. He went into Bon-Dragons' ribs and picked up the item.

"I have an alchemy material and a skillbook....... Aye, I don't have a weapon."

<It's a pity. >

"Haa, why don't you give me a weapon? It's already 275 floors. I think the Tower of Trials was when they gave me a plain sword."

I wanted to have a plain sword that I could use instead of a cultivation plain sword.

As I murmured, I realized something unpleasant.

"Uh? This bone doesn't go away."

After grabbing the boss from the Tower of Trials, the corpse disappeared after a certain amount of time.

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