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✠ Relying on the night stone, I followed the trail. About 10 minutes at a small walk. The destination was fairly close.

The wide-recessed crater melted into the surrounding terrain with the passage of time.

A gigantic puddle of knee-high clear water calmingly became home to aquatic plants.

It was very beautiful to see the water plants swaying in the water under the moonlight.

I looked at the place where the climax of the full moon was shining. A huge puddle in the middle.

There, a foreign gate was slowly creating a vortex.

“It’s a dungeon.”

Then a message popped up saying that the 'Hometown Exploration' quest was completed.

[The 'Libra that judges the soul' is criticizing the 'World-Building Spirit' for intentionally guiding believers to a dangerous place.]

['The World Constructing Spirit' is a C-class dungeon where the boss subjugation has been completed, so he hastily explains that there will be no trouble.] Agnes looked around and commented. Because he was not in training, he spoke kindly.

<This puddle looks like it was originally a crater. It is a sign that a burst has occurred.>


I was surprised. 'Dungeon Burst', where monsters and monsters pour out like an explosion from a dungeon.

No matter how low-level dungeons are, if a burst occurs, the difficulty jumps up and gets upgraded to at least S-class.

When demons and beasts who used to run rampant in the dungeon run rampant in reality, the damage is enormous.

A disaster that may destroy the Serentra Continent if it is not prevented regardless of which dungeon occurred.

That was Dungeon Burst.

I checked the age of the underwater plants with 'Plant Detection', one of the cultivation skills.

“The oldest of the plants here are less than six years old. The burst occurred six years ago, if it had, the whole town would have been devastated.”

It's creepy when I say it. It was around 6 years ago when my family was still living here.

<You seem to have reacted quickly the moment it came out. If you were really lucky. By the way… … .>

Agnes' expression darkened.

<Since the dungeon burst has occurred, there must have been victims, but the memorial is not visible. It seems that the dungeon itself is not known to the outside.>

It was as Agnes said.

Normally, it is normal to be crowded day and night because of adventurers who have come to dig for resources, but on the contrary, this place was becoming a part of nature.

As if the world did not know the existence of the dungeon.

In this case, there is only one.

“The subjugation squad was annihilated, so no one knew about it.”

<… … yes. It seems that you have become acquainted with the owner of the dungeon.>

I couldn't react quickly.

A righteous man who sacrificed himself to prevent a dungeon burst. Because that was also the story of Agnes.

Agnes, who had been praying for the dead for a long time, turned to me.

Ailet x Terry [Part 1 Complete]Where stories live. Discover now