Normal meets Epic

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"Normal is an ideal. But it's not reality. Reality is brutal, it's beautiful, it's every shade between black and white, and it's magical. Yes, magical. Because every now and then it turns nothing into something."- Tara Kelly


"... and those are the recommended texts for your summer study and research. Your assignments will be emailed to you before the end of the week", Professor Higgins droned on, flipping through his large leather-bound journal to make sure he had not left anything out.

I quickly typed the names and authors of the books Professor Higgins had scrawled across the white board at the front of the class as a post it note on the desktop of my computer.

"Could I get that from you later boo?" that was Maya, my best friend. She was sitting a row behind me in the lecture hall and appeared to be squinting as I turned back to look at her.

"Yeah sure" I raised my brow at her, noticing her baggy eyes and messy hair "You okay?"

She shook her head. "That frat party I told you about. Hangover of the century"

I let out a little snort. Maya gave me the evil eye as I turned back to face the lecture. I couldn't help but feel a little twinge, I should have been there to share the experience with Maya but I just wasn't the type to enjoy frat parties. Maya knew and had since stopped trying to get me to go with her, she didn't really need me anyway. She was hot, popular on campus, had a lot of friends and still managed to keep a C average in class. How she managed to be so well rounded dumbfounded me but I didn't let it bother me. I was good at what I was good at (school) and a social wallflower. I had always been one I guess, but now in my second year of college I was beginning to wonder if I had let my life slip me by.

"That will be all, class" Professor Higgins announced after a quick glance at his watch "Have a great summer!"

Noise broke out as people gathered their things and began exiting the lecture hall. I stood, shut my laptop and put it into the large black bag I used for school.

"Hey Ellie" I turned around to see Matt Ryder, this totally hot guy I had once tutored smiling at me. He was also a major athlete and played for the college football team.

"Oh, hi Matt", I tried to appear casual as I slung my bag over my shoulder

"Yeah, I just wanted to catch up with you before you disappeared you know", he said, the sun catching his sandy brown hair at just the right angle

"Well you caught me" I said and let out an awkward laugh which he reciprocated politely.

Mental face palm.

"Yeah I never got to hang out with you much after tutoring, I mean you really came through for me"

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