The Edge Of Sanity

Start from the beginning

'And you're gonna work on it until you do.'

Mac looked up at the detective. 'You know me, Don.'

'Okay then, I'll leave you to it.' Flack turned to leave, but as if remembering something he stopped. Turning back he saw Mac was already all over the papers. He was deep in thought, one elbow on the desk, one hand shuffling through them. A frown lining his brow. That was one of the things Flack admired the most about Mac Taylor, not just his dedication to the job, but his amazing ability to get into something right off the bat. And to not give up until he had the answers he was looking for.

Mac saw him hovering by the door and glanced up. 'Was there something else?'

'Uh, no.' Flack shoved his hands deep into his pants pockets. 'Well...yeah...actually, y'know, I'm not entirely sure.'

Mac was now giving him his full attention. 'You sound mighty confused.' So very unlike the unflappable Detective that Mac had come to know and respect. 'Something's obviously on your mind.'

Flack grinned sheepishly. When it came to what was on his mind, or rather who, confused didn't quite cut it. 'I just wanted to ask you something. If I could.'

'Fire away.'

'It's about Olivia.'

'What about her?'

Flack came further inside. 'I respect employee confidentiality and all the rest of it, Mac and I appreciate that you may not be able to even give me any insight, but...' He paused and sighed, shook his head. This was ridiculous. Why was he sure that Mac would even know what went on in Olivia's head? Just because he was her boss, that didn't mean anything. 'Y'know what,' he held up a hand, 'forget it. It doesn't matter.'

'Judging by your state of mind, I'd say it matters. Is there something concerning you about Olivia, Don?'

Flack took in a breath and let it go, nodding his head. 'You could say that.'

Mac leaned back in his chair, now giving Flack his full attention. 'Okay.'

'She's intense. She either shuts down or she breaks down and...' He didn't finish the sentence, remembering the incident of two nights before, he found he couldn't. Even now it affected him. He sighed, ran a hand over his mouth. This was wrong. He shouldn't be here saying these things. Least of all to Olivia's supervisor.

'Well, like you said, employee confidentiality,' Mac said.

Flack met the older man's eyes and nodded. 'I know. I know something bad happened. I just don't know what. Hell, I'm not even certain if I knew that I'd be able to help her anyway.'

'It's good that you care.'

'We've gotten kinda close of late.'

Mac slowly nodded and looked down at his desk for a moment. Even if he could explain things to Flack he wouldn't. He didn't see it as his place. And besides, something as personal and tragic as what had happened to Olivia had to come from her. She had to want to tell people. Therefore, she had to want to talk. All part of the healing process. Like Dr. Rennick had advised.

'I'm guessing from your look that you know. Am I right?'

Mac met Flack's eyes. 'I don't know all of it.'

Flack sighed heavily, nodded and dragged a hand over his mouth. 'Yeah, I had a feeling it wasn't just a something.' He could still see the faces of the people in the photographs.

'Have you tried talking to her?'

'Forgive me, Mac, she's an amazing woman and all the rest of it, but, uh, when it comes to opening up, she's not so great. Like I said, it's either all or nothing with her.'

CSI:New York : Who Are You? (Don Flack/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now