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"Yeonjun." Choi Jihoon called out to his son from the head of the table as all eyes fell on the said boy.

"Yes father?" He replied looking at his father. He was growing old, his pale wrinkly skin was starting to sag and his eyes barely seen. 

"You do intend on taking the business once I'm gone. Right?" He questions with a hoarse voice and Yeonjun nods.

"I want you to get married before then." 

Silence filled the room as the family looked at each other. Yeonjun was known for having a history of relationships that weren't serious and now he had to make a huge commitment. But what they didn't notice was how he didn't hesitate to answer.


"I have some girls in mind-"

"No paps." Yeonjun stopped him there and his stepmother questioningly glanced at him from next to her husband.

"I have a girl of my own who I want to marry." 

The people audibly gasped and Jihoon slyly smiled which was barely noticeable. 

"I'd like to see her then. This girl that seems too tangled with your soul." 

Yeonjun walked up to his shared room with y/n, opening it slightly on reaching it, a smile spreading on his face seeing y/n asleep in the comfort of their bed.

He took off his shoes and softly padded to the side of the bed to place a kiss on her forehead before stripping off his business attire and slipping into some sweats and a button down shirt.

He quietly slid into bed, his hand behind his head the thoughts of a future with y/n filling his mind.

He remembered his mother saying not to date anyone unless you don't see a future with them and here he was.

While he was lost in pleasant thoughts, Yeonjun felt a slap on his face.

Annoyance coursed through his veins but he calmed himself down seeing that it was y/n's hand that had smacked itself onto his face but she was still sound asleep, only her body was spread out like a starfish, her hand on his face and her leg on his.

Yeonjun sighed before moving her hand and throwing it back to her with a little force and turned on his side preparing for revenge.

Y/n's eyes flew open when she felt at the edge of the bed and found herself scrambling for support but found none but ended up falling on her forehead with a loud bonk and Yeonjun had to hold back his laughter.

"Son of a bitch." Y/n whispered literal flames in her eyes as she pushed her upper body off the ground feeling her head pound.

Y/n got on her knees and held the blanket under which Yeonjun was supposedly asleep and yanked it off, only for him to fall along with it, on her.


Yeonjun hastily moved away seeing y/n groan in pain as she slapped his forearm sitting up and he just couldn't hold it in seeing the red bump on her forehead.

"You think this is funny?" Y/n asked with fake amusement as she grabbed a pillow from the bed and smacking Yeonjun in the face.

"Isn't two slaps in a day enough?"

"I wonder." 

The next thing you know is the couple are running around the room yelling curses at each other with a pillow in their hand, hitting each other in the face, getting dizzy and yelling out for revenge and repeating the cycle.

After about an hour of running the two collapsed in a heap on the ground on their blanket, their pillows somewhere as they panted for air.

"Jesus I'm sleeping in my room tomorrow," Y/n joked and Yeonjun flicked her forehead.



"My forehead hurts." 

"'M sorry. Let's go ice it." 

Yeonjun found himself gently pressing an ice pack to Y/n's forehead bump from between her legs as she sat on the kitchen counter hissing when the ice made contact with her warm skin.

"I think my skull is deformed," Y/n muttered glaring at Yeonjun who just gave her a sheepish smile.

"Hey there's something i've been meaning to ask erm tell you." Yeonjun began, and y/n nodded attentively.

"My dad is about to die and he wants me to get married." He said and y/n went blank.

Marriage in the mafia family was always a huge thing. The girl is searched for days and then a huge ceremony takes place in Italy. The thing that was bugging her the most was that most of these marriages were arranged.

"Did they choose a girl for you already?" Y/n asked calmly. She didn't know the whole story yet so she shouldn't overreact so fast.

"They had a few in mind but I told them I have a girl of my own in mind." He said locking eyes with Y/n who seemed to be in disbelief.

"A side chick?!" Y/n gasped hiding her smile. "I knew it-"

"No you idiot, you." Yeonjun laughed hitting her head softly. 

"You didn't ask me if I agree to it though." Y/n said her face suddenly void of emotion.

Yeonjun opened his mouth to defend himself but Y/n's voice came out before that.

"Just kidding. I told you I'd agree no matter what." She smiled and kissed his cheek before jumping off the counter and walking ahead, stopping and looking behind when she found Yeonjun not behind her.

"Bed? I'm very worn out." Y/n said and Yeonjun linked his pinky with hers as they made their way upstairs.

Yep he chose the right one.



Anyhoo my finals have begun and im resorting to writing as stress relief AHahA

Not proofread so ignore my typos lol

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