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Y/n's feet hurt as she walked on the dark streets at night. She'd rid her heels in some bush long ago and was in some unknown street. 

"Damn it i don't even know where to get help from." she hissed in frustration running her hand through her hair pushing it out of her line of vision.

Y/n's phone dinged and she opened the text and nearly dropped the phone.

The unknown number had texted her a picture of Taeyong and Yeonjun's bloodied face and y/n felt her stomach churn. 

Another ding sounded as she read the incoming text.

I see you don't even try to run

Y/n walked to a man smoking on the road and politely asked for a pen. The man gave her a look before he handed her a black pen and she scurried away and unlocked her phone, scribbling numbers onto her arm before she switched off her phone and threw it on the ground.

Leaving her broken phone there, Y/n hurried out of the area but stopped when she saw a jungle in front of her.

I hope there's no animals in here. She silently wished and ran into the thicket. She knew seunho was fast and had probably already hacked her previous location so she had to be fast.

Dry leaves crunched under her feet as she made her way into the heart of the forest, scared for her life but nothing scared her more than the mere thought of not having her brother, boyfriend and friends around anymore.

To her advantage, the moon was full and shining bright with intensity so she could atleast make out where she walked. 

She could've easily used a car but the last time she drove was ages ago and she was definitely not risking getting caught by the police.

The hooting of an owl could be heard throughout the jungle followed by the soft rustling of leaves with a soft breeze and a shiver crawled up y/n's spine.

She trudged on nevertheless, not letting her paranoia get to her but with the neck step she took she found herself tripping over what seemed like a root of a tree.

Y/n hissed in pain clutching her stomach where a stone had poked her skin really badly then her attention went to the stinging pain on her bare forearm and she gasped seeing such a huge gash starting to bleed and scratches decorated the rest of her arm.

"Oh lord." Y/n groaned and stood up and clutched her bleeding arm but only got her hand stained, the blood flow remained the same.

Remembering she had a handkerchief, she pulled it out of the pocket in her dress and tied a know, tightening it by tugging one end with her teeth.

Y/n began to walk once again letting out a sigh of frustration when the moon went behind the clouds leaving her in the dark.

Her underfoot stung from the brittle leaves and sticks that were scattered all over the forest, but it was bearable to some extent.

Y/n stopped abruptly when she heard a sound. She furrowed her brows trying to focus when she suddenly figured out what it was.

"A river?" she whispered to herself in disbelief and then it clicked. 

She was near the Han river.

This made things so much easier for the slightly wounded girl, so she limped in the direction of the water when she heard a gunshot echo in the forest.

"Dammit he's faster than I expected." Y/n gritted her jaw and stumbled a little faster hearing Seunho's voice in the far distance mumbling something to his people he probably brought along.

"Boss! there's a earring here!" She heard and her heart pounded. Why did she have to be clumsy at such a time.

Y/n hurried hearing footsteps get closer that slowly turned into running steps and she was forced to fasten her pace to.

Her heart raced as beads of sweat slid down her petrified face while she raised the bottom half of her dress and tried to run, the frustration pushing her over the edge.

But the most unexpected thing happened next.

Y/n's leg stepped onto something and it crunched. Really loud and when she heard silence, she knew Seunho had heard it too.

She heard his footsteps draw in but before she could even react, she was raised up into the air making an almost inaudible squeal as she hyperventilated at the heigh she was at.

She had just gotten trapped in a hunter's net.

After realizing she was actually safe from the bastard she slightly shifted, the leaves of the tree rustling against the fabric of the ropes the net was woven with and peeked down to see seunho standing right under where she was stuck and looking around desperately.  

Y/n's anger burned inside her, so much that she felt her eyes burn. She grabbed the gun she had strapped to her thigh and aimed it at Seunho who just stood there. Her hands trembled, not from the fear of killing someone but rather of the pent up anger she had stored in her soul all those years he used her to the point she was like his personal stressball. 

Her mind shifted to the picture of Yeonjun and Taeyong she was sent and she cocked the gun, shutting one eye and aiming straight at the back of his head when he spoke.

"Y/n, please i need you to listen to me," Y/n halted her movements hearing him speak. He sounded different almost, vulnerable.

"I-Wherever you are, i just hope you're listening." His voice wavered and a pool of dread churned in her stomach. 

Nonono something is wrong, i should just kill him. Y/n thought frantically seeing him kneel down on his knees and look at the ground.

"I'm sorry. For everything. For inflicting so much pain in your early years. I...i was an idiot. I just wanted to get the anger from my neglected child out and I took it out on you." 

Y/n hated every part of this. He used to apologize this way earlier too but now she didn't know if he was putting up a act or not. Her skin crawled and she drew in heavy silent breaths.

"Please say something." He pleaded and Y/n actually wanted to kill herself there. She hated how she felt suffocated. Her anxiety was at its peak and it was the first time she felt like this.

Y/n felt the net she was in move backwards as if someone was tugging on it. Her breaths got faster, her fingers trembling like never before.

But soon enough she felt herself being placed on a plain surface with a yellow light hanging over her head but she blacked out almost immediately and the last thing she heard was,

"Wait a minute you're not an animal." 


I'd like to take this moment and profess my love for Oikawa Tooru. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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