Start from the beginning

Athena nodded. "Sure."

He shot her a last, pearly grin and ran to the stone wall, immediately disappearing.

She took a deep breath and ran towards the same way, but not before making sure that no one was watching.

Athena was now inside the 7¾ platform. A grand, green train was waiting for the students to finally get on board.

Dragomir quickly went over to her. "Okay, I took care of your luggage," he informed her. "You can sit with me at the teachers' compartment. I don't think that you'd prefer to sit with the teenagers or the children, right?" he chuckled again.

Athena laughed as well. "That's true. I really can't put up with the young ones, from my very first day."

His teal eyes glowed in amusement. "I understand," he nodded. "Now come on, the train is leaving soon."

Athena followed his tall figure inside the spacey train, feeling her heart beating in anticipation. She really wanted to get to Durmstrang, but she also loved going on train trips.

Dragomir - or Drago, as he preferred to be called- introduced her to the rest of the Durmstrang professors that there were there as well. They all seemed nice.

Dragomir was the Potions professor and he was also responsible for the young adults Potions program, that Athena would attend after she finishes her basic wizarding training.

''Just my luck,'' she thought. ''I can't get away from that fucking name.''

''So how come you chose to study at the Potions program?" Dragomir couldn't help but ask. ''Most foreign students that come to Durmstrang, come for the Dark Arts one.''

Athena wasn't expecting that question, so she hesitated a little before answering. ''I want to honor the man who raised me,'' she replied. ''He was a great Potions master.''

''Can I ask his name?'' Dragomir smiled. ''I may know him.''

Athena smiled at the thought of him. ''Of course you know him,'' she proudly declared. ''It was the one and only, Severus Snape.''

Gasps of surprise were heard in the compartment. ''Oh Merlin!'' Dragomir almost vociferated. ''I admire him so much! I had met him when the Hogwarts students came to our school for our Ball! He was a great man!''

She smiled even wider. ''Yes, he was.''

Dragomir's enthusiastic expression changed in an instant, when he saw Athena's sad smile. ''I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know he was the man who raised you.''

''It's okay,'' she reassured him. ''You couldn't have known."

''May I ask how did he die?'' Dragomir asked. "The newspapers never actually revealed how."

''Voldemort killed him.''


The Transfiguration teacher, Mrs. Pavlov, was the first to talk. ''Wasn't he a Death Eater though? And as far as I know, his best one. Why would he kill him?''

Athena didn't like the way she inquired the question, at all. But she tried to keep a calm facade on. She didn't want to pick a fight with one of her professors.

''Yes, he was. But he wasn't faithful to him. He was serving him, because of a plan that him and Albus Dumbledore both had agreed on.''

''But didn't he kill Albus Dumbledore?'' the Charms teacher asked now. ''He betrayed him!''

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