Chapter 59

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We had been staying at Aunt Muriels for a little while now. It honestly wasn't that bad. Aunt Muriel loves the twins so anytime she's in a bad mood I just let her spend time with them and it puts her in a better mood.

I was sitting in the living room playing with both of the twins. Fred walked down the stairs with his jacket on.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Oh uh. No where," he said starting toward the door.

"Fred," I said.

Fred stopped and turned around to look at me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Where are you going?" I asked again.

"Look, don't be mad." he said.

"Why would I be mad?" I said.

Fred sighed and walked over to sit by me on the couch.

"I'm going to meet Lee," he said.

"Okay...I'll say again. Why would I be mad?" I said giving his a questioning look.

"Well, I'm kind of being on his broadcast," Fred said.

"What?!" I yelled.

Lee had started this broadcast named PotterWatch that kept people informed about what was going on in the world. When Fred and George first told me about it I thought Lee was so dumb for doing it. I had listened to it a few time with Fred and George. I knew that Lee was just trying to keep those in hiding informed but I knew it was a big risk. I never thought of Fred going on the broadcast with him.

"Please don't freak out," he said.

"You can't just tell me that you're going on Lee's broadcast and expect me to not freak out," I said.

"I'm going to be careful," Fred said.

"I wouldn't exactly call that being careful," I said.

"I am Mal. I'll have a code name and my voice will be disused," he said.

I sighed looking down.

"I'm not going to stop you am I?" he asked.

"No. I have to do this," Fred said.

"Fine. But you better be careful," I said looking up at him.

"Aren't I always?" Fred said.

"Not really," I said making him laugh.

"I'll be back when we are done," he said.

Fred gave me a kiss and left the house. I was nervous about him being on the broadcast but I knew he wasn't going to change his mind.

George came down to the living room so that we could both listen to the broadcast together.

"Sirius," George said pointing his wand at the radio.

The radio was static until the voices came into focus.

"We apologize for our temporary absence from the airwaves, wish is due to a number of house-calls in our area by those charming Death Eaters. But now we're back! So, let's move to news concerning the wizard who is proving  just as elusive as Harry Potter. We'd like to refer to him as Chief Death Eater and here to give us his views on some of the more insane rumors circulating about him, I'd like to introduce out new correspondent, Rodent!" Lee said.

"Rodent? That's the name that Fred chose?" I asked looking over at George who just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not being Rodent! I told you, I want to be Rapier," Fred said.

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