Chapter 42

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Verity had been hired at the store and had been working here for awhile. I really liked her and she was a great fit to the store. When she worked she was mainly at the cash register but sometimes she stocked shelves. I was currently stocking shelves myself. With all of the products that had been sent out by owl the shelves were running a bit bare.

"Hey," Fred said walking over to me.

"Hey," I said looking up front he shelf I was woking on

"I just got an owl from Dad, the is an Order meeting tomorrow night," He said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Not sure, probably just to go over what's been going on," Fred said.

"Okay, what time," I asked.

"5 o'clock. George and I are thinking about just closing the store for tomorrow, it will give us the chance to restock every shelf," he said.

"Okay, sounds good," I said getting back to the shelf I was working on.


It was Saturday and the Order meeting was tonight. Fred, George, and I tired to go to every meeting but with the store sometimes we couldn't make it. I was walking around the shop gathering things that needed to be mailed out before we left tonight. We never knew how long order meeting were going to last. Sometimes they only lasted an hour and other times we were there for a long time.

"We've been having a lot of orders mail out," I heard George say from the other side of the shelf.

"Yeah, with all of the kids going back to Hogwarts it's not surprising," Fred replied.

"Maybe we should have someone focus on orders even when the store is open," I said coming out from behind the shelf.

I saw both of the boys jump.

"You can't sneak up on us like that," George said putting his hand over his chest.

"Sorry, I thought you knew I was there," I said.

"It's about time for a lunch break don't you say?" George asked.

"Yes, I'll go get us some sandwiches from the shop down the street," I said while handing Fred the box that I was holding, "You two keep working."

"Yes ma'am," George said causing me to laugh.

I walked out of the shop heading down the street to the sandwich shop that was just down the way. As I walked I looked out at all of the shops that had closed down. It broke my heart to see what was once a thriving area so dead and lifeless.

I turned into the shop being greeted by the girl at the counter.

"What can I get you?" she asked.

I gave her my order and stepped to the side to wait for it to be done. As I was waiting for my order to be done I heard the door chime signaling that someone had entered the shop. I turned and saw a man in a long black cloak who had scars all over his face. I wasn't sure who he was but I didn't get a good feeling from him. I quickly averted my attention from the man before he could see me looking at him. The girl came back out and I could see her expression drop.

"What can I get for you?" she asked the man.

He ordered and she went to the back to fix it, leaving me alone with him. I could tell he was staring at me but I didn't want to look over at him.

"You look familiar," the man said causing me to look toward him.

"Oh, I must just have one of those faces," I said trying not to make eye contact with the man.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now