Chapter 45

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It was now the end of February. Not much had been going on the past few months. Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had gone back to school, the twins had opened back up the joke shop and the begging of the year, and Molly and Arthur were working in rebuilding their house.

I wasn't scheduled to work at the joke shop today so I had gotten up later than usual. The twins always tried to give me at least one day off a week. I typically went shopping and picked up the flat on these days.

When I got up my stomach was queasy. I thought maybe I was hungry so I made my way to the kitchen to cook myself something. I got the eggs out of the fridge and started to cook them in a pan on the stove. As the eggs were cooking I popped some bread into the toaster.

The door to the flat opened making me look up to see George.

"Hey," I said, "Hows it going down there?"

"Kinda slow today," George said.

"Care for some breakfast then? I've made plenty," I said.

"Don't mind if I do," George said sitting down at the bar across from me.

I finished up the eggs separating them onto two plates. I had made extra toast that I placed on George's plate. George sat and ate while I stood across from him eating mine.

"How's Verity?" I asked.

"She's feeling much better," George said.

"That's good. She looked rough a few days ago when you sent her home," I said.

Verity had been sent home sick a few days ago. Turns out she had the stomach flu. She was out for a few days and today was her first day back.

I continued to eat my eggs and all of a sudden I got the urge like I was going to throw up. I dropped my fork and ran back to the bathroom.

"Mal?" I heard George's say as I ran to the bathroom.

I just barley made it to the toilet before I threw up. I heard George walk into the bathroom. He grabbed my hair holding it back as he gently rubbed my lower back while I puked. Once I was done I pulled my head away from the toilet.

"You alright?" George asked looking at me concerned.

"Yeah. Not sure what came over me," I said.

George wet a washcloth and handed it to me to wipe my mouth off.

"Maybe you caught Verity's stomach bug?" George said.

"Maybe," I said.

"Here, let's get you to bed," George said putting his hand out to help me up, "I'll go get Fred once you're there."

I started to tell him not to bother Fred and that I'd be fine when I felt the urge to throw up again. I sat back down on the floor puking into the toilet for the second time this morning.

George pulled my hair back and rubbed my back the same as he did before. Once I was done George helped me up and to the bed. I laid down and he tucked the blanket up around me.

"You need to get some sleep," he said pushing my hair out of my face, "I'll let Fred know you're sick."

I nodded my head and George left the room. I closed my eyes trying to get some rest. I'm not sure what's wrong with me but I hope whatever it is passes quickly.

I'm not sure if Fred ever came up to check on me because I quickly fell asleep after closing my eyes. When I woke up I wasn't sure what time it was. The room was dark and I could hear voices coming from the living room/kitchen area.

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