Chapter 25

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I woke up still holding Fred against my chest. I moved trying not to wake him but he started stirring.

"Morning," I said looking down at Fred.

"Morning," Fred said stretching his arms out.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah, thank you for last night," he said smiling at me.

"It was no problem Freddie, you've always been there for me and I will always be there for you," I said.

"We better get down stairs. I'm sure we'll be going to see Dad soon," Fred said.

We both go out of be seeing our trunks at the end of the bed. We got ready for the day. I knew we'd probably be at the hospital for awhile so I threw on some leggings with one of Fred's jumpers and put my hair into a messy bun.

We walked down into the kitchen seeing Molly lay out some breakfast, George and Ginny were eating already. I didn't see Ron so I assumed he was still sleeping. I knew it was already mid afternoon but Molly knew we all needed to eat.

"Eat up kids, we'll be leaving after everyone is finished eating. I'll go wake Ron," Molly said exiting the kitchen.

We all ate in silence. Ron came down and ate his breakfast too. We all finished and I helped Molly wash the dishes before we left. We were in the kitchen while the rest of the kids were in the lounge.

"Thank you so much," Molly said giving me a hug.

"For what?" I asked hugging her back.

"For being there for them, especially Fred. He might not fully know it yet but he's luck to have you," she said.

"I'm lucky to have all of you," I said.

We all gathered outside of Grimmaulds Place. We were going to apparate to St. Mungo's to see Arthur. I hated apparating but that was the easiest way for us to travel. We arrived at the hospital and Molly lead the way. I knew all of the Weasley kids were nervous to see their dad and to be honest I was too, I was just trying to be strong for them. Molly walked up to a door.

"Now kids, he is wrapped up in a lot of bandages and doesn't looks the best. But remember he is going to be okay," Molly said before opening the door.

She opened the door and I saw Arthur laying on the bed completely covered in bandages. I had to hold in a gasp. Bill and Charlie were sitting in chairs beside his bed. They both stood up allowing their sibling to sit in their seats. We walked into the room and Fred let go of my hand.

"Dad!" Ginny said running toward him.

She gave him a hug making Arthur groan.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy you're okay," she said.

"Dad what happened?" Fred asked.

"What were you guarding?" George asked.

"Boys, your father cannot answer your questions," Molly said.

"No!" Fred yelled, "We deserve answers!"

"I think I'm gonna go get something from the cafeteria," Charlie said.

"Me too," Bill and I said at the same time.

Usually I would try and calm Fred but I knew he needed answers and I also knew his mother could handle him. Charlie, Bill, and I walked to the cafeteria in silence. I ended up getting some water while Bill and Charlie both got something to eat.

"How have then been?" Charlie asked me.

"Not good. We all didn't get much sleep last night. I've never seen Fred such a mess," I said.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant