Chapter 51

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The boys were out in the yard trying raise the tent. I could hear Arthur yelling at them to focus. I stood at the kitchen window looking out giggling at them.

"Zip me up will you?" I heard someone say from behind me.

I turned around seeing Harry and Ginny standing in between the living room and the kitchen. I guess they hadn't seen me standing there.

"It's seem silly doesn't it, a wedding. With everything going on," Ginny said.

"Maybe that's the best reason to have it. Because if everything that's going on," Ginny said.

Ginny turned around kissing Harry. They definitely didn't see me standing here. I saw George tiptoeing toward me while brushing his teeth.

George placed his toothbrush where his ear use to be so that it was sticking out of his head. He grabbed the cup of tea that was in my hand making me scoff. Ginny and Harry pulled away looking at the both of us.

"Morning," George said winking at the two.

"George!" I said slapping the side of his arm.

"How long have to two been here?" Ginny asked.

"Oh I just got here while you two were snogging," George said.

Ginny looked at me for my answer.

"Umm I've uh been here the whole time," I said sheepishly.

Ginny and Harry both left the room looking very awkward.

"Why did you have to make that awkward," I said looking at George.

"What else do you expect from an older brother," George said making me roll my eyes.

I pulled the tooth brush out of his ear setting it on the counter.

"How's it feeling today?" I asked.

"Better. Still feels like it's there," he said.

"I'm glad you're okay," I said.

"Oh Mal," George said pulling me into a side hug, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"Yeah yeah. You better get outside to help them," I said.

George and I walked outside so that George could help the rest of the guys put the tent up.

"All together now!" Arthur yelled.

He counted down and the boys started lifting the tent. They were moving quickly and got it done.

"How's it look on your end boys?" Arthur yelled.

"Brilliant!" Fred and George yelled back.

There was a whooshing that came from the outer field making us all look toward the sound.

"Bloody hell. What's the Minister of Magic doing here?" George asked.

Arthur walked over to us seeing the Minister.

"To what do we owe the pleaser Minister?" Arthur asked.

"I'm here to see Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss.Granger," the Minister said.

"Ron, why don't you show the Minister inside and grab Harry and Hermione," Arthur said turning to face Ron.

Ron nodded his head and took the Minister inside.

"I wonder what he wants," I said.

"Not sure," Fred said.

"Alright kids, time to get the tables and chairs set up," Arthur said.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now