Chapter 31

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We apparated back to Grimmaulds Place and Molly was waiting right there for us.

"Oh, my girls!" Molly exclaimed, "I am so glad you are both safe. Are either of you hurt?"

Ginny shook her head no.

"My throat hurts. That Death Eater had a good grip," I said bringing my hand to my throat.

"Oh dear, it's very red. I'll make you a cup of tea, that should help sooth it," Molly said walking to the kitchen.

I walked into the lounge to make sure everyone else is the group was okay. Everyone looked fine they were just exhausted. I was looking out over everyone so thankful that they were all okay. We lost Sirius and I wasn't sure what happened to Harry yet.

"Mal," I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see Fred standing in the door way. He looked a wreck. His hair was messy and he had worry all over his face.

I ran to Fred jumping into his arms. Fred grabbed me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We hugged for a while before Fred sat me back down.

"What part of don't get in too much trouble did you not understand?" Fred asked putting his hands on my cheeks.

"I couldn't let you and George have all the fun," I said laughing.

Fred ran his hands down my neck. I have yet to see what it actually looked like but I know it probably wasn't good.

"What happened?" he asked.

"A Death Eater. He had a pretty tight grip on my neck," I said.

"Here you go," Molly said brining the tea cup into the lounge.

"Thank you," I said grabbing it from her.

I went and sat down on the couch to wait and find out what happened.

We had been back at Grimmaulds Place for several hours now. Neville and Luna had fallen asleep on the couch they were sitting on, they were up now. I was getting tired but I didn't want to fall asleep. I had gone to the bathroom and looked at my neck. It was red and was already starting to bruise.

Remus walked into the lounge making us all sit up.

"Where's Harry?" Ron asked.

"Harry is fine, he's with Dumbledore at the moment," Remus said.

I heard Hermione breath a sigh of relief.

"I've talked to Dumbledore. The Weasleys, Hermione, and Mallorie are allowed to stay here even though your break doesn't start for another week. Neville and Luna I will take you back to Hogwarts where your guardians will pick you up," Remus said.

"When will Harry be back?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not sure but it should be sometime today or tomorrow," Remus said.

"Do you want to go lay down, love?" Fred asked me.

I shook my head. I gave Luna and Neville a hug before they left. Fred lead me up to the bedroom. I fell asleep instantly as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I woke up and reached my hand over expecting to feel Fred, instead I didn't feel anyone in the bed. I opened my eyes to look around the room. It was daylight outside and there was no one else in the room. I yawned getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. I was still sleepy so I was dragging. I grabbed my toothed brush, put some tooth paste on it and started brushing my teeth.

I looked up in the mirror jumping seeing all the bruises on my neck. The events of the last day quickly rushed over me. Harry...I wonder if he was back yet. I finished brushing my teeth and walked out of the room. I heard voices down stairs and followed them all the way to the kitchen.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now