Chapter 54

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We had been living at the burrow for about 3 weeks now. Fred and George had been keeping up with the orders that were coming in and I had just been preparing for the babies. Now that we were about a week away from my delivery date I wanted to make sure that we have everything prepared.

George had moved out of the bedroom and into Charlie's old room so that we would have room for the twins when they got here. Molly had been getting so excited to meet them. She had been cleaning and knitting them little sweaters for when they got here.

As of now I was still going to be able to give birth and St. Mungos. Even thought the Death Eaters had taken over at the Ministry they still hadn't taken over the hospital. Things were coming out in the Daily Prophet everyday. Everyone was still on the hunt for Harry. I was glad that Ginny was going to be on break from school so that she was going to be able to be here for the birth. She comes home from break a few days before my due date.

None of us were exactly sure where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were. I hoped they were being safe and smart no matter where they were.

"Are you getting things read?" Molly asked walking into the bedroom.

"Yeah. Just trying to put all their clothes sorted and put away," I said.

"They should be here soon," Molly said.

"I know. Im so excited to meet them but also scared," I admitted.

"You're going to be the best Mum, Mallorie," she said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Why don't you come down stair. I've made lunch for everyone," she said.

I put the clothes that were in my hand in the dresser and followed Molly down stairs. I sat down at the table next to Fred. I felt a slight pain in my stomach causing me to wince.

"Are you alright?" Fred asked.

"Yeah. Just a small contraction I think," I said putting my hand on my belly.

I had been getting a few contractions these past few days.


It was the middle of the night and I had been tossing and turning. I was only a few days away from my due date and I was very uncomfortable. My contractions were starting to happen more often and more intense. I looked over at Fred who was sleeping peacefully. I honestly wanted to throw a pillow at him but instead I got up and walked down stair to get some water. I grabbed a glass out of the counter and filled it up at the sink.

"What are you doing up?" someone said from behind me causing me to jump slightly.

I turned around seeing George groggily walking toward me.

"You scared me," I said.

"Sorry, I was just thirsty. What are you doing?" he asked walking over to the cabinet.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm so uncomfortable. My contractions are starting to get closer together, I think I should head into he hospital tomorrow to get checked out," I said.

"Are you going to be able to make it to morning?" George asked looking at me.

"I think--

A feeling came over my body making me stop talking. I either just peed my pants or my water just broke.

"Are you alright?" George asked walking over to me.

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