Chapter 37

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It was finally the week of the wedding and I was starting to get nervous. Charlie was supposed to be arriving at the burrow today. We had put a hold on working on the store until after the wedding so that our full attention could be on the wedding.

"Are you about ready to go?" Fred asked coming into the bedroom.

"Yes, just trying to make sure that I have everything," I said while looking in the bag.

"Love," Fred said coming over and grabbing my shoulders so that I would face him, "You've checked that bag three times. I'm sure you have everything. Plus if you don't it's not like I can't apparate back and get it. Now, calm down and breathe."

I sucked in a deep breath closing my eyes trying to calm down. I opened my eyes looking back at Fred.

"Better?" he asked.

"Better," I said.

"Good. Ready to go?" he asked.

"Ready," I said.

Fred and I walked out to the living room carrying our bags.

"Are you guys leaving?" George asked.

"Yes," Fred said.

"Are you not coming with us?" I asked.

"No, I'm gonna stay back and do some things around the shop. I'll be there tonight though," I said.

"Okay, we'll see you tonight then," I said.

Fred grabbed my hand so that we could apparate to the burrow.

"Do we have to apparate?" I asked in a whiney tone.

"Yes, it's much easier that way with the bags," Fred said.

"Ugh, fine," I said rolling my eyes.

We each grabbed a bag and apparated to the burrow. My eyes were squeezed shut as I tired not to throw up. No matter how many times I do that, I will never get used to it. I opened my eyes to see the burrow in front of me. Every time I saw this place it put a smile on my face.

Fred and I walked to the door so that we could head inside. As we walked through the door, I took in the sight of the burrow.

"Hello, dears," Molly said coming up and giving me a hug.

"Hello," I said hugging her back.

"Hey, Mum," Fred said hugging Molly.

"Charlie should be here soon," Molly said.

"Good, hopefully he remembered everything he needed to bring," I said.

"I'll take the bags up to the room," Fred said.

"Wait! The dress," I said remembering that my dress was in there.

"Don't worry, I already moved them," Ginny said coming into the kitchen.

"What would I do without you Ginevra," I said making Ginny glared at me for using her full name.

"Mal, I love you  but if you call me that again, you will be dead," she said.

"You'd never do that, you love me too much!" I said smiling big at her.

I went into the living room to sit with  the Golden Trio.

"Hey Mal, how's it going?" Harry asked.

"It's going swimmingly. A lot to do with the wedding on Saturday," I said.

Fred came back down stairs sitting next to me on the couch.

"Ron, did you ever try your clothes on to make sure they fit?" I asked.

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