Chapter 36

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"Where does this box go?" I asked setting on the counter at the store.

"Over in that aisle, love," Fred said pointing to the next aisle over.

I carried the box over to the aisle started stocking the shelf.  I heard the door open and looked to see George walking through the door.

"How was you mum?" I asked walking toward him.

"Better. I think I finally convinced her to let Ron and Ginny to go back to Hogwarts," he said.

"Good," I said.

A few days ago Molly had a bit of a freak out. She said that things were getting way too dangerous and that Ron and Ginny would not be returning to Hogwarts this year. Everyone tried to convince her that it would be a mistake not to send them back but she wouldn't budge for several days. I guess George finally go through to her.

"Yeah, I think she's just scared," George said.

"Rightfully so, times are rough right now," I said.

"Are you still going to the burrow tomorrow night?" Fred asked.

"Yes, I need to talk to Ginny and Hermione about wedding things," I said.

"We're getting pretty close," George said.

"I know, how exciting!" I said.

Fred and I were getting very close to our wedding date, we only had a few weeks left. Fred's groomsmen were Ron, Charlie, Bill, Lee, and his best man was George. My bridesmaids were Hermione, Fleur, Alicia, Angie, and Ginny was my maid of honor.

Fred, George, and I had been working hard to get the store up and running. It was set to open the Wednesday after the wedding. Fred and I wouldn't be going on an "official" honey moon but George will be staying at the burrow from the night of the wedding until the Wednesday the store opened to give us some privacy.


"I'm heading to your Mums," I told Fred as I walked into the kitchen at the flat.

"Alright love," he said giving me a kiss on the forehead, "I'll see you later."

I walked over to the fire place to the the floo network to get to the burrow. I absolutely hated apparating and avoided it at all cost.

"The Burrow," I said throwing the powder at my feet.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in the fireplace at the burrow.

"Mal, there you are," Molly said greeting me.

"Sorry I'm a little late," I said.

"Oh, it's not problem dear. I'll go fetch Ginny, Hermione is in the kitchen waiting for you," Molly said walking up the stair.

"Hermione," I said walking into the kitchen and giving her a hug, "How have you been? I haven't seen you all summer."

"I've been alright. For awhile I wasn't sure if I'd be coming," she whispered that last part.

I gave her a smile before we both sat at the table.

"Don't start without me," Ginny said walking into the kitchen.

"How could we start without you, Gin," I said.

"Okay, so we're getting down to the final weeks. I just want to make sure that everything is in order," I said.

"Okay. Let's go through the checklist," Hermione said looking at the notebook in her hand.


"Check, Molly will taking care of all the food."

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