Chapter 18

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Today was the day of Harry's trial. Everyone in the house was on edge because we didn't know what was going to happen. Breakfast this morning was very quiet. Right after everyone was done eating Arthur and Harry left. It had now been a few hours and I was sitting in mine, George, and Fred's room reading a book. The door opened and I looked up seeing George enter the room.

"What are you doing?" He asked coming over to lay across the bed on his stomach.

"Just trying to read to keep my mine busy. What about you? Weren't you with Fred?" I asked.

"He and Ginny are off doing something. I was with Ron and Hermione but they started being weird so I left," he said.

"When are those two ever going to admit they like each other?" I asked setting my book down and laying next to George staring up at the ceiling.

"Probably never," George said.

"It's not that hard. Everyone can see it," I said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what's stoping them," he said.

George and I sat there in silence for a few minutes. It was one of those silences that was calm and made you feel safe. I really enjoyed spending time with George, we hadn't had a lot of time alone since Fred and I started dating. Laying here in silence all of the thoughts and feeling started to take over me. I tired not to think about what was going on in the world right now but sometimes I couldn't help it.

"George," I said turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah, Mal," he said making eye contact with me.

"What do you think it going to happen? Now that the Dark Lord is back," I said.

"I'm not sure," George said.

"Sometime I wish Harry was lying about him being back. I know he isn't, but things are starting to get scary," I said.

"I know. All we can do is take it day by day," George said reaching over and grabbing my hand.

"I don't want to lose any of you," I said squeezing his hand.

"You won't Mal. Fred and I will both always be here for you. You're like my sister and nothing will ever change that," George said with a sweet smile, "I never got to tell you this but is Fred ever breaks your heart, I'll beat him up myself."

This caused me to laugh.

"I don't think that will be a problem Georgie," I said.

"Me either, but I'm just saying. I know Fred really likes you, maybe even loves you," he said.

George saying that Fred loves me caused butterflies in my stomach.

I started to say something back but Ginny burst through the door.

"Harry's back!" She said before walking out of the door.

George and I gave each other a worried look before getting off the bed to walk down to the kitchen where Harry was.

"So what happened?" Hermione asked Harry as we walked through the door.

"I was cleared of all charges," Harry said with a  sad expression.

"Well Harry, that's wonderful! Why such a sorrowful tone?" asked Hermione.

"Because Hermione, I tried to speak to Dumbledore at the end and he just completely ignored me," he said.

"Well that's odd," I said looking at Harry.

"Yeah mate, that man always wants to talk to you," Fred said.

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