Chapter 2

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I'm not usually one to wake up early but today was the day we were set to head to the Quidditch World Cup. We had to leave early to be able to make it to the port key in time. Hermione had arrived late the following night to join us. Mr. Weasley was trying to get everyone around to eat breakfast so that we could leave on time. We were of course waiting on Ron and Harry. Shortly after the boys came down it was time to leave.

"Have fun everyone, and be safe," said Molly hugging and kissing everyone as they went out the door.

The sun was just coming up over the horizon making the sky so beautiful. I hadn't seen Hermione all summer so I was walking next to her and Ginny catching up.

"How was your summer?" I asked Hermione.

"It was fantastic. My parents and I went on a trip to France and just recently got back," she said with a smile on her face, " How was yours?"

I had never met Hermione's parents but from what she said about them they seemed like lovely people. I think she said they were Dentists, whatever that is.

"That sounds lovely. Mine was pretty good, just hung out with this lot for the whole summer," I said.

"It was rather quite boring if you ask me," said Ginny causing me to laugh.

It felt like we had been walking forever when we finally came to the top of a hill. I saw a man standing there waiting for us.

"It's about time Arthur. I thought you'd never get here," said the man shaking Arthur's hand.

"Sorry about that Amos. We had a few late risers," he said giving Harry and Ron a look.

A boy jumped out of the tree that was next to us half scaring me. All three of us girls looked at him and looked at each other. He wasn't bad on the eyes.

"Ah, this must be Cedric," said Arthur shaking the boys hand,

"Yes, are these all of your kids?" Amos asked looking at all of us.

"No, only the ones with red hair. Those there are Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, Ron's fiends. And that is Mallorie Valentine, a friend of the twins," Arthur said pointing toward us.

"Valentine, wouldn't happened to be related to Winston and Brooke Valentine would you?" Amos asked me.

"Yes sir. They are my parents," I said giving him a smile.

"Ah, such fine people those two are," said Amos smiling back at me, "Well, we better get going."

We all started walking over the hill to get to the port key. There is the middle of the field sat a lone boot. I had taken port key before but not very often. We all gathered around the boot holding on. I saw Harry looking with a confused expression at the boot.

"Alright, ready 1, 2-

"Harry!" yelled Arthur causing Harry to quickly grab ahold of the boot before it left without him.

We started spinning through the air. Arthur and Mr. Diggory let go in the boot, the rest of us following in suit. None of us except Arthur, Amos and Cedric new how to properly land. I fell to the ground landing on something soft. I rolled off of whoever it was noticing it was Fred.

"Geez Mal, I think you broke my back," said Fred with a groaning rolling onto his side.

"Oh hush Fred, you're fine," I said.

"Here, let me help you," said Cedric putting his hand out toward me pulling me up.

"Thank you," I said with a slight blush.

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