Chapter 12

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We had all planned to meet our dates near the great hall where the dance was to take place. We reached the top of the staircase and I looked down seeing the boys in a group at the bottom of the stairs. George looked up seeing us elbowing Fred to also look. I made eye contact with Fred and he looked at me with his mouth agape.

"You look absolutely stunning," said George looking at me.

"Why thank you Georgie," I said.

I turned to Fred and he was still staring at me. Angelina was standing beside Fred looking annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to her.

"You look-," Fred said taking a minute to pause and look me over again, "You look amazing."

"Thank you," I said blushing.

"Are we ready to go in?" Angelina asked with an annoyed tone snapping Fred out of the daze he was in.

"Ye-yeah," Fred said walking into the great hall leaving Angie to follow behind.

I turned back to George who had a smirk on his face.

"Oh don't give me that look, come on," I said grabbing his arm and dragging him into the great hall.

The champions had made their grand entrance and were slow dancing on the dance floor. People started slowly joining the dance floor.

"Care to dance m'lady?" George asked putting his hand out for me to take.

I grabbed George's hand and he lead me to the dance floor. George and I got to the dance floor and started slow dancing. He wasn't as good as Fred had been when we practice but he was still a good dancer.

The slow dances soon turned to fast up beat music. George and I had been dancing like crazy people for well over and hour. We were both getting tired so we decided to go over and get a drink and sit down for a minute.

"I am exhausted," I said sitting down on a chair next to George.

"Me too," said George.

"Thank you," I said smiling at George.

"For what?" he said.

"Asking me to the dance. I know you could have asked anyone else," I said.

"Don't mention it. I wouldn't have wanted to come with anyone else," said George putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me in for a side hug.

George and I had been sitting for awhile when another slow song came on again. A girl walked up to George and I as we were talking.

"Hey George, would you care to dance?" she asked.

George looking at me to see if it was okay.

"Go, go. Have fun," I said smiling at George.

George had gone off with the girls to dance leaving me alone at the table. I was looking at all of the people on the dance floor when I saw someone sit down next to me out of the corner of my eye. I looked over to see Fred.

"How's your night?" he asked me.

"It's been fantastic. I've danced so much my legs are so tired," I said smiling.

"Do they have one dance left in them for me?" he asked reaching his hand out.

"Yeah. They do," I said grabbing his hand letting him lead me to the floor.

Another slow song had just started as Fred and I stepped foot on the floor. We dance quietly for a bit standing closely, my head laying on Fred chest.

"I didn't even ask, how's your night going?" I asked pulling my head off his chest.

"Ehh could have been better," Fred said.

"How come? Angelina seemed very excited to come tonight," I said giving him a confused look.

"I think she was. I just wasn't really into it," he said.

"Well why not?" I asked.

"Because I should have come with someone else and I stupidly didn't ask her," he said.

I slowly started to get butterflies in my stomach. Was he talking about me? No, there's no way. He must be talking about someone else.

"Oh, well next time there is a ball you should pluck up the courage and ask her," I said with a smile.

Fred's eyes were flicking from my eyes to my lips.

"You wanna get out of here?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"What about Angie? You can't just leave her here," I said.

"She left a long time ago," Fred said with a small smile.

I looked over to where George was and he was now making out with the girl who had asked him to dance.

"Okay, let's go," I said.

Fred grabbed my hand leading me out of the great hall. I wasn't really paying attention to where he was leading me but soon we came to the astronomers tower.

Fred walked over to the edge sitting down letting his legs hang over the side. I followed his actions sitting closely to him.

"I've always loved looking at the nights sky," Fred said looking up, "It reminds me of you."

I knew exactly what Fred meant. Ever since we were young we would always lay out under the night sky at the burrow looking up at the starts and the moon. When I looked at the night sky I always felt warm inside, like I was exactly where I needed to be.

I shivered slightly as a cool breeze blew by us.

"Are you cold?" asked Fred.

"Slightly," I said rubbing my arms.

"Here," said Fred taking off his suit jacket and putting it around my arms.

Fred's hand lightly brushing my skin sending goosebump over my body making butterfly's erupt in my stomach.

"Fred, who was the girl you wanted to ask to the ball but didn't?" I asked becoming more curious about the comment he had made earlier.

"You're gonna think it's silly," he said looking toward the ground in embarrassment.

"No. I won't," I said grabbing his hand making him look up at me.

Fred eyes started flicking from my lips back to my eyes for the second time tonight.

"It was you," he said in a very low whisper.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Our faces had gown closer the more our conversation continued.

"I'm gonna do something right now," Fed said barley above a whisper, "And I hope you don't hate me for it later."

"Wha- I started to say as Fred smashed his lips into mine.


All I felt were fireworks shooting through my body. I didn't realize how much I was craving this until it actually happened. I deepened the kiss grabbing Fred's head and pulling it more toward mine.

Fred pulled back and examined my face for any feelings I might be having. I gave him a warm smile and he in return gave me one.

"I've wanted to do that for awhile," Fred said making me chuckle.

"We'll I'm glad you finally got the courage and did," I said.

Fred and I laid back staring up at the stars for awhile longer before heading back to the common room.

I went to bed that night not knowing exactly what the future held but I knew everything was going to be alright as long as I had Fred Weasley in my life.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now