Chapter 57

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Today was Christmas Eve and the twins were going to be a month old in just a few days. We weren't doing much this year for Christmas since Ron, Harry, and Hermione weren't going to be here but Molly still wanted to have dinner.

We couldn't really be seen with any of the other members of the order and Bill and Fleur didn't want to draw much attention to themselves so it was just going to be Molly, Arthur, Fred, George, Ginny, and I.

"How have you been?" I asked hugging Ginny as soon as she walked in the door.

I had been worried about her ever since George told me about what had been going on at the school. I knew that Ginny could handle herself but I still worried about her.

"I've been better," Ginny said.

"I wish you didn't have to go back!" I said looking at her.

"I know. But I can't draw a bigger target on this family than there already is. If I didn't go back they would know something was up," Ginny said.

I knew Ginny was right. No matter how bad the school got she had to go back. Attendance was mandatory and if you didn't send your kids you'd be looked into. We were already hiding things so we needed to be extra careful.

"Well I'm just glad to see that you're okay," I said looking at her.

"I've been trying to keep my head down," Ginny said.

I smiled at her letting her actually walk all the way into the house.

"Where are the twins?" Ginny asked.

"Oh they're upstairs napping right now. They should be up any minute," I said.

"Of course they are sleeping," Ginny said.

"Well they are babies, Gin. They sleep a lot," I said.

Ginny walked off to say hello to everyone else in the house. I decided to walk upstairs to check on the twins.

I walked into the room seeing that Marcie was awake. I walk over picking her up out of the crib.

"Hi there honey, your Aunt Ginny is very anxious to meet you again," I said talking to her.

I looked over at Marnie who was still sleeping. I made my way down stairs so that Ginny could at least see one of her nieces.

"There she is. My little Marcie," Ginny said seeing the baby in my arms.

"How did you know it was Marcie?" I asked, "You've only met them once."

"Mallorie in case you forgot I've been telling twins apart my whole life. And how can I forget the name of the girl who's named after her best aunt," Ginny said.

"My bad," I said putting my hands up in defense.

Just then Fred came waking down the stairs with Marnie.

"Awake already? I was just up there," I said.

"She must have sensed her sister no longer in her presence," Fred said.

"Give her here, Give her here," Ginny said waving Fred over.

"Gin, you're already holding one of them," Fred said.

"I've got two arms for a reason Frederick," she said rolling her eyes.

Fred walked over handing Marnie to Ginny. I could already tell that Ginny was going to get these two in a lot of trouble one day.

"Dinners ready," Molly called from the kitchen.

We all walked into the kitchen sitting around the table. I was glad that we were still having dinner but it was weird not having everyone here.

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