Chapter 41

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Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been pretty busy. I'm going to try and get this whole story uploaded this week but I have a lot to do so no promises. Thank you all so much for reading!💛

I woke up the next morning with the sun shining in through the windows. I reached out beside me expecting Fred to be beside me but I didn't feel him. I opened my eyes to see he wasn't in bed. I soon heard something coming from the kitchen.

I got out of bed slipping on a pair of underwear from my drawer and and grabbing one of Fred's t-shirts to put on. I walked about to the kitchen seeing Fred mixing something in a bowl and a bunch of stuff scattered on the counter.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Fred looked over at me and I saw that he hand flour on his facing making me laugh.

"I was trying to make you breakfast," Fred said with a smile.

"And how's that going for you?" I asked walking over to sit by the counter.

"Umm not well," he replied looking around at everything on the counter.

"Let me help you," I said.

I walked over and grabbed the bowl from Fred and started stirring it. Fred walked over to the stove and finished cooking the eggs he had put on. I continued to help Fred cook and we finally finished. We had made eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. A lot of food for only two people but that it what Fred wanted to make.

We sat down at the table among all of the food and started eating. After I ate more food that I could take I sat back in the chair.

"I am stuffed," I said.

"Me too," Fred said putting his fork down.

"I think we made too much," I said looking out at all of the food we had left over.

"Well usually George is here to eat too," Fred said.

"Very true," I said.

Fred and I had spent most of the day in the flat just enjoying each other company. We would have gone out to the shops in Diagon Alley but most of them had closed down. They had either been raided by death eaters or the shop owners were scared so they closed up.


Today was opening day at the shop. I could tell both Fred and George were nervous but I knew the shop was going to be a hit.

"Are you two ready?" I asked walking out of the bedroom.

"Ready," the boy said.

They were each wearing brown colored pinstripe suits. George was wearing a purple tie while Fred was wearing an orange tie. I however was not as dressed up. I had on a pair of jeans and a Weasley Wizard Wheezes t-shirt that was orange with purple writing.

We walked down to the store and Fred went to unlock the door and flip the open sign. Once he did the store came to life. The twins had charmed the store to when the sign was flipped to open things came to life. Different game started going off and fireworks zipped through the sky.

I stood behind the counter looking at all of the madness with a smile. I was so proud of the both of them for perusing their dreams.

The store quickly filled with people. We almost couldn't keep up with the amount of people in the store. There was finally a break at the cash register so that I could go walk around the store.

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