Chapter 29

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"Are you both ready?" I asked the twins as they stood in front of me.

"Yeah," they both said at the same time.

I looked at both of them, tears threatening to spill. I was going to miss them both so much.

"Oh, don't look at us like that Mal," George said.

"You're gonna see us soon, don't worry," Fred said.

I knew he was right. Easter break would be coming up soon and I would get to see them then. I pulled them both into a bone crushing hug that they both returned.

"I'm going to miss you both so much," I whispered, "We've been going to school toghter since we were 11 and now I'm just supposed to do it without you."

"You'll be alright, love," Fred said.

"Plus, you'll still have Lee," George added.

"Just don't be getting into too much trouble without us," Fred added.

"I know but it just won't be the same," I said.

I heard someone scoff behind me making me turn around.

"Sorry I'm not enough, Valentine," Lee said pretending to be offended.

"That's not what I meant Lee and you know it," I said.

"You two better get into a classroom so you don't get caught up in this," George said.

I gave them on last hug before following Lee into an empty classroom to await the prank.

"I'm going to miss them too," Lee said throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a side hug.

Soon we heard booms start to go off on the hallway. Lee and I peaked out the door already seeing a crowd form in front of the great hall. We felt it was safe to join the crowd so we exited the classroom. Umbridge was inside the great hall with the fifth years, they were taking their owls today.

We saw Umbridge open the door and exit the hall. A spark flew right in front of her face sprinting around before going past her and exploding into a firework inside of the hall. Umbridge looked at the crowd of students with a stern look.

"Who did that?!" She demanded.

Before anyone could answer Fred and George flew over the crowd almost knocking Umbridge to the ground. The twins shot fireworks everywhere in the room. All of the students were smiling and Umbridge looked like she didn't know what to do.

The biggest firework popped creating a dragon head. We all watched as the dragon head chased Umbridge out of the hall. The dragon head reached her biting down causing all of the Educational Decrees to explode and fall off of the wall. Fred and George flew out of the hall into the courtyard, all of the students chased them out cheering them on.

I ran out to the courtyard to see the twins flying away and a big W in the sky. I looked around see all of the students cheering. I even saw Flitwick pumping his arm in excitement.

Someone grabbed my arm roughly making me turn around.

"Your boyfriend isn't here to save you now, is he," Malfoy smirked before dragging me away from the crowed.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked trying to pull out of his grasp only making his grip tighter.

"Umbridge wants you," he said.

As Draco brought me into the room I saw Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and Luna being held by other members of the Inquisitorial Squad. Harry was sat in a chair in front of Umbridge.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now