Chapter 23

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Fred, George, Lee, and I were walking to Hogsmeade to for the meeting that Hermione set up.

"How do you think this is going to go?" George asked.

"Not sure. I don't even know how many people will show up," I said.

When we got to Hogs Head there were a handful of students already there. We found some seats toward the front. Hermione sent me a nervous grin when she saw me. I sent her a reassuring smile back.

"Ummm hi. So you all know why we're here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher. One that can help us to defend ourselves against the Dark Arts

"Why?" asked a boy named Zacharias Smith

"Why? Because you know who's back you tosspot," Ron said.

"Says him," Zacharias replied.

"Says Dumbledore," Hermione's said.

"So Dumbledore says because he says," Zacharias challenged, "The point is where's the proof."

"If Potter could tell us a little more about Diggory's death," a first years said.

My body tensed up and I felt Fred grab my hand instantly calming me. I hadn't thought much about Cedric since being back at school. I try and keep the dark thoughts of that night tucked away.

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric so if that's why you're here you might as well leave now," Harry said standing up.

Harry started whispering something in Hermione's ear.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus charm?" asked Luna.

"Yes," Hermione said, "I've seen it."

"Blimey Harry, I didn't know you could do that," Dean Thomas said.

"And he killed a Basilisk with the sword in Dumbledores office," Neville added.

"It's true," Ginny said.

"In third year he fought off about 100 Dementors at once," Ron said.

"And last year her really did fight off You Know Who in the flesh," Hermione added.

"Hermione," Harry said cutting her off, "Look it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time and I nearly always had help."

"He's just being modest," Hermione cut in.

"No. Hermione, I'm not," Harry said looking at her, "Look, facing this stuff in really life is not like in school. In school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow. Out there when you're a second away from getting murdered-

Harry's words sent goosebumps over my body. I knew things were getting bad but I didn't want to think about anyone else getting murdered, or watching a friend die right before your eyes...again.

"You don't know what that's like," Harry finished.

A long silence fell over the room.

"You're right Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help, because if we're going to have any chance of beating-

Hermione paused what she was saying.

"Voldemort," she finished.

"He's really back?" a first year boy asked.

Harry just slightly shook his head.

"Right, I think we should sign a sheet just so we can keep track of who was here today," Hermione said putting a piece of parchment and a quill down on the table in front of her.

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