Chapter 56

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Fred and I had to stay at the hospital for a few days but we were getting ready to head home today. I was packing up our bag while Fred was taking the paperwork to the front desk so that we could leave.

The twins had been good babies so far. They both were calm and really enjoyed their sleep, just like their mama. Though things may change as the get older, I'd like to assume they were taking after me in the personality aspect.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm just finishing up packing the bag," I said.

Fred grabbed one baby while I grabbed the other so that we could leave the hospital. We were taking the Floo Network since apparating with the babies wasn't a good idea.

We appeared at the burrow stepping out of the fireplace.

"There you are," Molly said walking over to us, "I was wondering when you guys were going to be home."

I smiled at her placing the bag in the ground next to me.

"There are my babies," Molly said scooping up both of the twins from mine and Fred's arms.

"You have babies and it's like you don't even exist anymore," Fred said to me.

I laughed while Molly gave Fred a look.

"I'll watch them for a little bit. Why don't you two go get some rest," Molly said.

"We're fine, mum," Fred said.

"Nonsense. You two have been cooped up in the hospital for a few day. Go, get some rest and take a shower," Molly said.

Fred and I gave each other a look before walking upstairs. We walked into the bedroom and sat the bags down Fred threw himself in the bed with a huff.

"I'm gonna go shower," I said.

"Alright, love. I'm just gonna lay here," he said.

I grab some clothes leaving the room so that I could shower. I hadn't showered since before I gave birth to the twins and I honestly felt disgusting.

I undressed stepping into the shower. I washed my hair and body getting all of the hospital grime off of me.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping my hair up in a towel. I caught a glimpse of my body in the mirror. My body had changed a lot during pregnancy but it had changed even more after giving birth. My stomach was still slightly bloated, the doctor had told me it would take a little while to get back down to my normal size.

I didn't love the way that I looked but I knew that I had just birthed two beautiful humans. I was proud of what I didn't and I knew it didn't matter to Fred what I looked like. I got dressed and walked back down to the room.

I opened the door seeing Fred asleep on the bed. I smiled at him and quietly closed the door. I knew that Fred was exhausted. He hadn't slept a lot while we were in the hospital. Any time one of the girls cried he would get up and get them. He would say 'You need rest. I'll take care of it'.

Since Fred was sleeping I decided to go find George. I walked up the stairs to where Percy's old room was. I opened the door to see George laying on the bed.

"Hey you," I said.

"Mal. I didn't know you were back," he said.

"Yeah. We just got back not that long ago," I said walking over and sitting by on the bed.

"Where are the twins?" he asked.

"Your Mum scooped them up as soon as we got here," I said making George laugh.

"Not surprising. They're all she's talked about since we left the hospital," he said.

"That's sweet," I said.

"Yeah. I think they're the light we all needed in this darkness," George said.

I smiled at George know he was right. I knew there was so much going on in the world right now but I honestly hadn't thought of it much since the twins were born.

"How was Ginny. I'm sad I didn't get to see her much before she went back to school," I said.

"She's getting by. Says that the school had gone downhill fast. The kids aren't getting treated very well. With Snape as headmaster what did we expect," George said.

"That's horrible. All of those kids stuck at a school where they are being treated poorly," I said.

"I know, but what else are they supposed to do? They can't skip. That will just put a bigger target on their family," George said.

"I hope all of this comes to an end soon," I said.

"You and me both. But somehow I think it's going to get worse before it gets better," George said.

He was right. Things were not going to get better anytime soon. None of us had seen Ron, Hermione, or Harry in almost 3 months. We didn't know what they were doing or where they were.

"How have you been?" I asked looking over at George.

"Me? I've been alright. Why do you ask?" George said.

"We just haven't really talked talked in awhile," I said.

"I know. Things have been crazy these past few months," George said,"How have you been?"

"I've honestly been really good," I said, "Well besides the whole our world falling apart thing."

George chuckled at my comment.

"It is falling apart around us, isn't it," he said.

"Yeah but we'll all always have each other," I said looking over at him.

"Yeah, we will," George said smiling at me.

"I miss my parents," I said looking back up at the ceiling.

"Have you heard from the lately," he asked.

"Not since I told them I was pregnant," I said.

"That's been quite a while," George said.

"Yeah. I've been scared to write them. They went to America to get away from the war. I don't want it to be my fault the get found," I said.

"I'm sure they're alright," George said grabbing my hand.

"I know. I just can't help that my mind wonders," I said.

"I know. I'd worry about my parents too if they were gone," he said.

"They're going to love the twins when they meet them," I said smiling.

Even thought they had never said anything because I was young I always knew my parents dreamed of the day the could become grandparents. I knew they were going to be fantastic grandparents when they got to meet the twins.

"I'm sure they will," George said.

"I'm glad that we're getting to spend time together, just us. We need to do this more often," I said.

"We really do. I miss spending time just us," George said.

"Awe, Georgie, you miss me," I said looking at him with a big smile on my face.

"Don't let that go straight to your head," George said rolling his eyes.

I started laughing at George's comment.

"You know you love me," I said.

"Maybe," George said rolling his eyes again.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now