Chapter 34

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Fred and I walked back to the burrow hand in hand smiling the whole way. We had decided to tell the family as soon as we go back since everyone was already together. Hopefully no one had left yet.

We walked through the door to see everyone pretty much in the same place they were when we left. I made eye contact with George who gave me a questioning look. I shook my head yes at him.

"YES!" George yelled jumping out of his chair and running over to us.

George engulfed me in a hug and spun me around with joy.

"What on earth are you doing, George?" Molly asked wondering why her son had a sudden outburst.

George put me down and Fred grabbed my hand looking at me. I gave him a slight nod before he tuned back to everyone.

"We have an announcement to make," Fred said.

"Don't tell me you guys are engaged or something" Ron said joking around.

"Actually Ronald, we are," I said in a sassy tone back.

Ron looked at us with a shocked face. I know he was just joking around but he definitely did not expect us to say yes. The whole room erupted in cheers and congratulation.

"Oh. I am so glad I'm going to actually be able to call you my daughter and it be true!" Molly said hugged me, "Have you decide on a date? We'll have to start planning right away."

"We haven't quite yet. We're going to talk about it later," I said.

"Oh Ginny dear," Molly said walking off to go talk to her youngest daughter.

"What did I tell you," Bill said walking up behind me.

"Don't even start with me William," I said rolling me eyes.

Bill threw his hands up in defense, "I'll I'm saying is...I called it."

"I'll give you that, but nothing else," I said.

"Okay...sister-in-law," Bill said making me smile.

He pulled me into a tight hug, "Glad you're finally, officially, going to be apart of the family."

"Yeah, Weasley is a great last name you know," George said walking over to us.

"You're just saying that because it's your last name," I said rolling me eyes, "But you're right. It is pretty great."

Fred and I were laying in his childhood bedroom. It was now late at night, everyone had left several hours earlier. George was sleeping in Percy's old room because he wanted to give Fred and I privacy since we had just gotten engaged.

I had been trying to fall asleep but the excitement of getting engaged had me wide awake.

"Fred," I said turning to him.

"Hmm," he said laying there with his eyes closed.

"You awake?" I said.

"No, just responding in my sleep," Fred said smiling as he turned over to face me.

I lightly pushed him laughing at his comment.

"Can you believe we're engaged?" I said, "I feel like I haven't really had time to take it in."

"I've had the ring for awhile now and I still can't believe it," he said.

"Your Mum seemed to be really happy," I said.

"I knew she would be. She loves you," Fred said.

"I hope my parents are able to make it to the wedding," I said.

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