Chapter 8

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I decided to walk to the party with Alicia and Angie since I didn't really want to see Fred. We got to the Hufflepuff common room and it was bursting with energy! We all three made out way over to the drink table grabbing something to drink. I spotted Cedric and excused myself away from the three girls.

"Hey," I said tapping on Cedric shoulder.

Cedric turned around eyes wide looking me up and down.

"Hey, you look wicked," Cedric said making me laugh.

"Thanks, Angie and Alicia picked it out. Not typically something I would wear," I said blushing.

"Well I like it," Cedric said putting his hand on my lower back, "Would you like to dance?"

"Yeah," I said.

I was a little nervous so I decided to chug the rest of my drink to calm my nerves. Cedric lead my over to where people were dancing. People were pressed on each side of Cedric and I making our body's come closer together.  I was a bit stiff at first but the more we danced and the more alcohol I consumed made me loosen up.

Cedric was behind me with his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him. I was grinding on Cedric before I turned around to face him. Cedric and I continued to dance our faces being very close together. He moved his hand up to my cheek and pushed his lips onto mine. I could taste the firewiskey on his lips as he kissed me. I parted my lips allowing me to deepen the kiss trying to feel fireworks. Cedric pulled away and smiled.

Don't get me wrong it was a great kiss but I didn't feel a spark like I thought I would. Cedric and I had gotten so close that I just thought the connection would carry over physically.

"Do you want to go get another drink?" Cedric asked.

I smiled at him shaking my head yes following him to the drink table. I looked over and noticed Lee sitting on a sofa nearby.

"We should go say hi to Lee," I said Turing back around to Cedric.

As we got closer I noticed Fred sitting in a chair by the couch. There was only enough room for one on the couch so Cedric sat down pulling me into his lap. This caused Fred to scoff but I just ignored him. I was not going to let him ruin my night.

"How has your night been, Lee?" I asked looking at him.

He looked pretty tipsy and I was also getting on that level. I don't typically drink often so it didn't take much.

"It has been pretty good, How about yours?" he said.

"Fantastic," I said looking at Cedric.

I heard a scoff again, I assume coming from Fred but chose again to ignore it. Lee and I continued talking as George walked over.

"There you are Mal," he said taking in my appearance, "You're looking ravishing!"

"Why thank you," I said.

I heard Fred mumble something under his breath and I felt the heat build up inside of me.

"What did you say, Fred?" I asked snapping my head toward him sitting up.

"Nothing," he said looking at me.

"Well it obviously something because you've been scoffing the whole time I've been over here and now when George says something about my outfit you mumble something under your breath," I said growing frustrated standing up from Cedrics lap.

"Fine, you wanna know what I said?" he said getting angry, "I said you look like you just wanted attention."

I gasped.

"Hey, maybe you shouldn't talk to her like that," Cedric said moving to the edge of the couch.

"Well maybe you should mind you own business," Fred shouted.

"Fred mate, I think you need to calm down, " George said grabbing ahold of his twins arm.

"You are being such and arse today," I said yelling finally getting a word in.

"Well you are being a bitch," Fred yelled back.

Freds words took me by surprise. Fred had never said anything like that to me before, had never called me anything like that before. I rushed past him bumping into his shoulder. I found myself back at the drink table trying to contain my emotions.

"Are you alright?" Cedric asked coming up next to me.

"Yes, No, I don't know," I said thinking about how I was feeling.

"Do you want to leave?" he asked gently moving my face toward his.

My eyes flicked back and forth between Cedrics eye and his lips. I crashed my lips into his for the second time tonight trying to feel any emotions other than what I was feeling right now. I pulled Cedric back toward me until I hit a wall behind me. We continued to make-out Cedrics hands roaming my body. I pulled away eventually. Nothing, I still felt nothing when I kissed Cedric. If kissing him wasn't going to help me forget about what happened with Fred I'll just continue to drink. I walked away from Cedric probably leaving him confused. I went to the drink table and grabbed the first thing is saw. A bottle of firewiskey. I chugged as much of it as I could before making my way to sit on a couch.

I soon started to feel sleepy because of all the alcohol I had consumed. The last thing I remember is being picked up by someone before I passed out.

Sorry this chapter is so short! The next one will be longer, I promise

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