Chapter 48

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It was now the end of May and I was 17 weeks pregnant. Next week Fred and I had an appointment to find out the gender of the babies. My belly had gotten much bigger over the past few months and you could tell that I was pregnant.

Today I was supposed to see Fleur at the burrow to start on some wedding planning. Her and Bill had decided on getting married August 1st of this year. They had decided that they weren't going to have any bridesmaid or groomsmen because they were both having difficulty narrowing it down to a decent number.

"I'm leaving," I said walking down to the shop.

"Alright love," Fred said giving me a kiss.

I had been working at the store less than normal since I got pregnant. This was not from my doing though. Fred and George both treated my like I'm a doll that would break if I did too much, it was honestly a little overbearing. I always tried to help out the best that I could when they would let me.

I walked out of the shop apparating to the burrow. Since Ginny was at school and Fleur's family was in France Molly and I are were really the only ones here to help Fleur plan. I walked into the burrow and Molly and Fleur were sitting at the table drinking tea.

"Sorry I'm late," I said walking over to the table.

"You're not late," Fleur said.

Molly poured me a cup of tea setting it on the table in front of me.

"How are my grand babies," she said putting her hand on my belly.

"They're getting bigger. Fred and I have an appointment next week to find out the gender," I said.

"That is so exciting!" Fleur said.

"So, what are we planning today?" I asked looking at all of the things that were scattered around the table.

"I think I have narrowed down a color to different shades of purple," Fleur said.

"That will be beautiful," I said.

"Arthur is going to get the tent," Molly said.

Bill and Fleur's wedding is going to be a lot more fancy than mine and Fred's wedding was. I was not surprised at all by this. Fleur was a fancy person and this was her dream wedding. We continued to wedding plan for several hours before we decided to call it quits for the time being.

"Tell the twins I said hi," Molly said.

"I will. I'll see you guys later," I said walking out of the house.

I apparated back to the flat. Fred and George were sitting in the kitchen eating dinner.

"I was wondering when you were coming back," Fred said.

"Sorry. We go caught up talking," I said sitting down at the table.

"Eat," George said putting a plate in front of me.

This is exactly what I was talking about them being overbearing sometimes. I was going to eat but before I could even get a plate George had already made me one. Even though it was overbearing sometime I wouldn't trade either of them for anything.


Today was the day of the doctors appointment. I was very excited and nervous to find out the gender of the babies.

"Are you read?" Fred asked walking into the kitchen.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said.

"Everything is going to be fine," Fred said.

Fred and I apparated to St. Mungos. We walked in and took the elevator to the second floor to the doctors office. Dr. Smith had become my full time doctor after our first appointment and I really liked her. She always listened to my concerns and was a very nice person.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now