Special Chapter

891 87 5

Seokjin's POV:

Today is just another day. Deck brush in hand, I am cleaning the floor of Pandora. I'll wipe off the deck chairs once I finish up with the floors. Although I have rolled up my pant legs and sleeves, my clothes are still getting wet. However, I am not particularly worried about it. This housekeeping job is still how I make a living. Jimin, "Seokjin! Meeting time!" Jimin waves me over from the other side of the pool. I stop cleaning and walk over to the guys.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"There's no reason for you to be walking around here like that."

Taehyung, "There's such a thing as pool-appropriate attire, you know?"

"Unlike you guys, I'm not here to chill and hang out..." I let out.

Namjoon, "Well, you are definitely the only person I know who could pull off a look like that at Pandora." Is it really that bad...? I look down at my outfit. It's the kind of thing one might put on to do some gardening.

Jimin, "Come on, you don't have to wear one aaall the time, but couldn't you wear a swimsuit like every once in a while?"

"No." I stated.

Taehyung, "You would definitely be cooler in a swimsuit on a hot day like today." I would feel like I was walking around in my underwear. And the idea of being leered at from across the pool doesn't appeal to me at all.

"As much as I hate to mar your relaxing afternoon, this is what I feel comfortable wearing."

Jimin, "You could always throw a zip-up hoodie on top of the swimsuit." Just then, JK, who's remained silent, finally speaks up.

"No one asked for your opinion, Jimin."

JK and I end up heading back to his place to have a drink of our own. He pours me some champagne, and we toast. "Was my outfit from earlier really that awful?" I questioned.

"I thought it was fine for a housekeeper."

"Right? Me too." If JK even agrees, then I was definitely in the right. However, my vindication proves to be short-lived.

"But...there are some people who could make that same outfit look sexy. You've got what you've got, but it's close to nothing."

"..." He's too expressionless to be joking. I am at a loss for words. "...How would one even go about making that outfit sexy? It really wasn't that kind of ensemble."

"Yeah, you have definitely still got a long way to go." He scoffs. "Sex appeal comes from the life you've lived. It's like that for everyone, man and woman alike. You may not be sexy, but you're also not trashy and cheap, and I'm grateful for that, but... Your inability to give off a sexy vibe is pretty lame. I mean, it's as if you haven't done anything but breathe for the last 30 years." As sharp-tongued as ever, JK's words hit me like slaps in the face.

"...I just don't see why I should devote any attention to how sexy I look while I'm on the job."

"I don't think it's anything for you to worry about. If you don't got it, you don't got it."

"Yah..." Well when you put it that way, I am not going to be able to do anything BUT worry about it. I wonder. What kind of sexiness JK is looking for, anyway? I feel like this is about something more than just wearing revealing clothes. But then again, I have never tried wearing anything revealing for JK, so I can't really say.

"..." Champagne glass in hand, JK watches the bubbles as they spiral up to the surface. As I watch him from the side, I make myself a promise. I think I will try and wear something that shows some skin. I wonder how JK will react. "That reminds me..." The question is, when do I wear it? "Don't...plans...day..." If I did it out of the blue, he'd suspect something was up, that I'd planned it. "Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry..."

"Here." As expressionless as ever, JK hands me a card. It has the logo for a famous high-fashion brand and the word invitation.

"An invitation?"

"It's to celebrate their new collection. You should come." A party, huh. That means I'll be wearing a suit. This is my chance!

"I will be there."

"Somebody's enthusiastic." His free hand tenderly strokes my hair. "You actually want to go to a party... Does that mean you're finally ready to start acting like my boyfriend?"

"I just want to make myself useful."

"Hmph... How very honorable of you. Since you're this enthusiastic, I am sure you're already aware that..." JK gently pushes my hair off of my neck. Softly draping an arm around my neck, JK nuzzles his face against the skin there. Velvet lips start at the base of my neck and make their way upwards.

"...Ahn." I unintentionally squirm a little, and JK pulls away.

"This party is for a highly respected brand. Your usual clothes won't do." Does that mean I am supposed to wear something revealing? Although his touch nearly drives a yelp from my throat, I manage to control myself.

"...Okay. Got it. No problem."

"Pfft. You're confident. But..." A hot breath runs down my neck. Then, still aware of his breath on my skin, I hear him say something that sounds a whole lot like a dare. "Are you SURE you're going to be able to please me?"

The day of the party. "Perfect. JK's going to love this for sure." I paused before stating. "...I think." I have decided to go with something a little more revealing than usual today. There's only one problem. I can't find any underwear to wear with it. What kind of underwear are you supposed to wear with a clothing like this? It goes without saying that I can't wear a vest. And any underwear lines would show, so I have no choice but to wear a male thong. I can't believe I'm actually wearing one of these. I pull a G-string out of my chest of drawers and hold it up by its strings. This is my only thong. I don't remember when I bought it, but I'm glad I have it today. "Here we go..." Is this really what I should be doing...? However, I put a lot of effort into picking out this suit. I refuse to let underwear lines ruin it. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it all the way. I am going to make this outfit look good if it kills me! I decide to stop hesitating, and step into my one and only thong for the very first time. Then, I put the suit on top. "Hmm..." This could stand to be a little more comfortable. The part of the G-string actually covering me is so small that it makes me a little anxious. This thing is going to distract me all night. And something hot bubbles up inside of me, and I start to get a little restless. I think I want to try and get JK in bed tonight. I am wearing such sexy underwear that it would be a waste not to. I want to make the most of it. And just like that, I have a plan for the evening. There's a knock at the door, and JK walks in.



"..." His emotionless eyes look me over from head to toe.

"Well, don't just stand there and stare. What do you think?"

"..." He twirls his index finger around in the air, and I give him a little spin. There something willy about the way the corner of JK's mouth quirks up into a smile. "Looks good. You get a passing score."

"I knew you would like this clothing."

"But...there's something different about you tonight." There's no sneaking anything past JK. JK, of all people, definitely knows what kind of underwear a clothing like this requires. But if I let the cat out of the bag now, tonight's big reveal will be ruined.

"...Different? I mean... I guess I DID make an extra effort to look good tonight."

"Hmph..." He peers into my eyes as if searching for the truth in their depths. Partially obscured by his silver hair, his light-colored eyes peer into me. "Meh, oh well. We should get going." I take the hand he offers me, and without any warning, he pulls my body to his.

"!" Once my torso is flush with his, he hugs me tight.

"...You are showing a lot of skin tonight. Be careful not to catch cold." JK's warmth touches my skin, lighting up every spot with which it comes into contact. My back is burning so hot that it feels like I've got a jacket thrown over my shoulders. JK's being so sweet today.

"Thanks. I will be careful." When I raise my gaze, JK is looking down at me with a seductive grin.

"You're different, but I like this new you."

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